You're not so beautiful?

Why did Larry say "You're not so beautiful" to Margaret in the supermarket? He didn't know her at all, yet said this incredibly rude remark. Margarte's reaction was very understated but, c'mon!


My impression was that it was a response to something his wife (or someone at the last party) had said. The women of the neightborhood had very likely all talked about the new family that had recently moved in and about how attractive Margaret was. Women always talk about how attractive other women are, right? And Larry's wife probably said something about her to him shortly after she moved in.

So I thought he was thinking out loud that she was very attractive, but not so stunning that he would feel uncomfortable in her presence, and that it might be nice to get to know her better. I also thought she sort of understood what he was getting at, since she had heard such talk before.



That WAS HIS way of telling her that she indeed was beautiful to him.

Check out the very subtle smile of appreciation and understanding
on her face for maybe just a split second.

She didn't dare bask too long in that compliment
The chemistry between them was starting to simmer.....
thus her cutting him off saying she had to go.

Not to mention they were in public.

I totally got that one!!



Just saw the movie this morning, and the line was "You're not so pretty". I was, and am, stumped by that line. But I liked the movie a lot.

The time has come for someone to put his foot down. And that foot is me.


See the book: 38

See Maggie is ridiculously gorgeous so she most likely heard how beautiful she was her entire life. So by saying "You're not so pretty" will cause her to be all "Wha-?" and this will startle her. It will also make the guy seem more superior. And he doesn't stop there- "guess it's because it's such an ugly name. Maggie." "You've got a silly laugh." These were ways of dominating her. And this guy was good. He even got the pet name for her right by calling her what her father called her. Dude was smooth.

...even in a valley without mountains the wind could still blow.





I agree with "Health" above that it was on his mind.

I took it further, that he was trying to convince himself of that, so he didn't make a fool of himself.

As he said It, he seemed to realize he HAD made a fool of himself, and began to fall for her right then.
