MovieChat Forums > Psycho (1960) Discussion > The variety of posts on the Psycho board

The variety of posts on the Psycho board

Kind of indicates how important this movie is; Even when people want to discuss something completely unrelated, they want to do so, somehow, in the context of discussing Psycho!


Psycho inspires speculation in many of us. The discussions go off on all tangents sometimes, but some of us like that, maybe even love it. I've had as much fun, as good a time as any, on the IMDBPsycho boards, old and new, than anyplace else when discussing classic films. We've had some great posters heres, and lively discussions about all manner of things, mostly film-related, on these boards. For those who don't care for all the diversions, well, nobody's pointing a gun at your head and saying "go to the Psycho boards at once, read every post, even the tangential and seemingly irrelevant ones, and MAKE THEM RELEVANT you jackass". It's not there. Not anywhere on any Psycho boards I've visited and written on. Occasional complaints about OT stuff, but then, if you don't care for it, don't read stuff like that. It'll just raise your blood pressure, and we don't want that!


A pleasure to see a post from you , telegonus! They are rare, but I take them as encountering an old friend on the street, from long ago, if only for a few moments.

Everything written with perfect insight, as usual, too.

Thank you!


You're welcome, EC, and the feelings are mutual. We are, neither of us, so active on the post-Apocalyptic IMDB boards 'round and about on the Web. MovieChat's as good as any, although I have a mild preference for Filmboards, not because it's better managed or anything but due to its being busier, more classic film oriented.

Moviechat has a similar style, and much of the new and older stuff parallels the other, though this one feels more contemporary, has an "official" air to it that Filmboards doesn't have. That one's more "open season" feeling. This one's a tad like the old IMDB, not by a lot, but I think you'll agree. I think I've seen your name on other sites, notably v.2, which has a ton of old-timers from the IMDB using their real names.

I watch the Hitchcock series semi-regularly now, though they've dropped the half-hours in favor of the hour long, just to shake things up a bit. You likely know where to find it, so it's scarcely worth mentioning, but if need be, don't hesitate. I trust you're in good health.


Some food for thought there about other boards, Telegonus. I'm loyal to moviechat above all because they transferred so much "old" IMDb content here...but I guess its a big world of boards out there.

My "trivia memory" kicks in on the Alfred Hitchcock Hours thus: I was too young to really watch them on first broadcast in the 60s, but in the summer of 1972, Universal shipped the hour shows to various local channels so as to broadcast EVERY episode of the hours, every weeknight at 11:00 pm in June, July, and August. The occasion was to promote Hitchcock's "new comeback hit," Frenzy. There was a Frenzy commercial inserted into each hour episode -- I suppose Universal didn't even have to pay for that.

Though I had other things to do on some of those late summer nights, I actually caught quite a few of the hour shows and learned them. It was a "trip back to the early sixties" -- which at that age in 1972 felt like a long, long, time ago -- even if the series had only been off the air for 7 years.

As you and I recall, "An Unlocked Window" is the Big One of the hours -- the "Psycho" of the series -- and fittingly filmed at the Psycho house exterior with different INTERIORS. That summer of 1972 was fun for a young Hitchcock buff. Frenzy triumphant at theaters as the Alfred Hitchcock Hour ruled the airwaves one last time.

Health is good, years are catching up. I trust your health is good as well. "See you around the campus."


I like the little community on this board. Even if it can be a bit tenuously connected to Psycho, the chats here are full of informative, enthusiastic content and I always enjoy chatting with everyone here.
