Anna Magnani Was Terrible

Not only did she look old and used up (you cannot feel that a man of Brando's physical beauty would bed this old bag let alone fall in love with her), but she was INCOMPREHENSIBLE. Her dialogue frequently was gibberish. Then there were the times she would repeat a word she had mispronounced twice .... such as "boids" and then she would repeat the line fragment and say "birds." It was unbelievable! How could they leave this in? Lady Torrance wasn't an immigrant -- she born in Mississippi!

Sophia Loren should have been cast in the role, and then maybe Brando would have come alive and not walked through the part. Then again, he was terrible with Loren as his co-star in Chaplin's A COUNTESS FROM HONG KONG, but that was a comedy and he can't do comedy.

"Why do people always laugh in the wrong places?"
--Samuel Beckett


Loren hated him because he sexually harassed her. Probably the same way he felt for Magnani was how Loren felt about him.
