Fave MST3K Quotes

Jan in a pan!!





Thanks for adding your thoughts to this thread and thereby keeping it alive.



I haven't seen this in a while, but I definately remember the funniest line.
Funniest line has to be:
From movie: It's like we're playing God
MST3K: Tag, you're God.

I laughed sooo hard


(strip club scene)

Mike: If Jack Ruby owned a Denny's...

Tom: The 1958 FLOOSIE!!



"Hey how are you?'
"Nope, no head in my arms"


"Thanks, but i'm too cool for emergencies."

"The road is attacking me!"

"So you're saying you're not into dismemberment?"

"Hey, he walked all the way to Paris!"



Alright, buddy, just how young are you?

You mean to tell me you have never heard of (or seen) "Mystery Science Theater 3000" (otherwise known to fans as MST3K)?

If that is the case, then I am damn jealous -- you have the pleasured opportunity to see from a fresh start those episodes of the series that have been so far released.

The show revolves around a live action guy (played by 2 different people over some 8 years) who gets shot up into space on the so-called Satellite of Love, where he, with his two robot buddies -- Tom Servo and Crow -- is forced to watch crappy old B movies. In order to stand the torture, the boys (silhouetted in theater seats at the bottom righthand corner of the TV screen)interject witticisms regarding the action and dialogue on-screen, much like you and your friends might while watching a particularly bad video.

I never have cared for the skits that happen before, during, and after the week's movie, but I am sure not everybody feels the same way I do.

Some of the movies they give the MST3K treatment are:

"The Brain That Wouldn't Die"
"Manos - Hands of Fate"
"Red Zone Cuba"
"Wild World of Batwoman"

and that barely scratches the surface.

You should really check it out at your favorite video rental service or store.


Crow: "Doesn't she need lungs?"
Servo: "No, she has neck juice!"

[about Bill wanting to operate on the dead body]: "But what does turning them into clowns prove, John?"


*Juicy, slurred, growling sounds coming from the closet*
Crow: Dylan Thomas' last days on Earth!

And not a line, but I loved how long it took Kurt to die after getting attacked!
Just die already!
Untuck your arm from under your lab coat!

Hey, could you change my neck juice already?!


meanwhile at Kurt Cobain's House



"His methods are unusual, but his coffee's great."

"There are ways... [maniacal laughter] There are ways. Lots of ways. ~Many~ ways. Did I mention there were ways? ... WAYS!"


Put this on it will keep you warm...take it off, it makes you look too tall!

"I love lamp." Brick Tamland


Sorry, but I'm to cool for emergencies.

Craig R


Mike: Man, I am tearin' through the Brawney!

Mike: I've got to hurry.

Crow: I'm givin' him a little piping. I think it looks nice.

Tom: And so the little fellow was wheeled into post-op for close observation.

Crow: Come on! give me the keys to the morgue, dad!

Mike: Shut up, man! You're lucky my chick's here!

Tom: Hey, gang! There's a snuff film playin' over at the Realto! Let's go!

Mike: Don't wait up, everyone.

Tom: Danny Bonaducci in the fight of his life!

Tom: She talks like Clutch Cargo.

Crow: Jan-in-the-pan, are you still here?


Crow: Look, lady, I've got a girlfriend with her head in a lasagna pan. I've seen it all.
