Hey everyone!!!

My old username was detataandrea but I changed my username to anderaahr since Ahr is my married last name. I'm glad I found this site and it's great to be here!!!!


It's nice to have you here.


Thank you :)


Yay! I recently watched, 'Walking Distance'. Incredible!

It's worth getting the Blu Ray version of this show - it looks superb!


Absolutely worth it! You never know what you're missing until you see the episodes completely uncut.

I originally bought the whole set on VHS off eBay for somewhere between $300-$400. Then they came out with the DVDs season by season and I bought those. Then they came out with the Definitive Edition and I bought that! So worth it. The original pilot, commentary from the actors, extras about Rod, even the original ads over the credits, which are pretty cool to see. You see it just like it was aired.

There's no other show I would ever spend that kind of money on, but the Twilight Zone is just that special!
