Seems very transitional

The first part is so much like a 30s-40s film that it feels like it should be in black-and-white. But of course this is Africa, a very colorful, outdoor place, so that wouldn't have done at all. It is also a cause film, here the protection of wildlife, with a stray jab thrown against nuclear proliferation. In that it's a very 60s film.

It's not surprising that it wasn't a huge success.

Ironic that it was directed by John Huston who some years before had the avowed goal, while shooting The African Queen, of also personally shooting an elephant. Apparently he changed his views or didn't mind making a film against his principles.

Also interesting that star Juliette Greco looks somewhat like his daughter Angelica, and presumably Angelica's mother. Huston's type, perhaps?


Regulated hunting is not the same as poaching. There is no incongruity between Huston participating in a legal hunt, and also believing in conservation of elephant herds. Hunters are often among the most dedicated wildlife conservationists.
