MovieChat Forums > The Defiant Ones (1958) Discussion > Who would you pick to star in a remake?

Who would you pick to star in a remake?

I read recently that the Defiant Ones is gettin remade but as more of a comedy. So I was wondering who people would pick to be in the lead roles. I chose Colin Farrell and Cuba Gooding Jr


Recently saw this film on tv again and looked for comments on it. Think making this as a comedy is a stupid idea. A drama with some funny moments is okay, but not a complete comedy. But what about this: make the white guy older so he represents the old racist ideas that hasn't gone away, with a modern day black? Just an idea, but its better than a comedy version, I think. Really, though, I don't think this film should be remade as it wouldn't have the impact as the orignial.


I agree that the movie should not be remade as a comedy. What a ridiculous concept. However, I don't think you would have to cast an older white actor to make the racist persona believable. Racism certainly is alive and well among a large enough segment of the younger white (and black, too, I guess) population. I would go for someone of the caliber of Sean Penn for the Tony Curtis role, and, perhaps, one of the rapper/actors (Ice Cube, for example) in the Sidney Poitier role. (But, Cuba Gooding would be an excellent choice, also.) I also wonder if the settings could be reversed. Rather than running through the swamps and hills hoping to make it to the anonymity of a big city, the escapees would be on the run in a large city, where it would be easier for police with modern technology to keep close on their trail, and their goal is to get out of the city to the mountains or swamps (perhaps Montana or Idaho, or southern Louisiana or western North Carolina), where they would be able to "disappear."


Remaking it at all is a horrible idea.


why would anyone even think about tarnishin this masterpiece of a movie into turning it into some circus side show I mean come on hollywood leave the classics alone and start thinking up new ideas you stupid sob's!


I don't think it should be remade either. This movie is absolutely perfect as it is. People shouldn't try to redo it. It can't be copied, it can't be surpassed, and, as someone else said, Hollywood should quit remaking the good old classics and start thinking up new and original ideas.


Hear Hear! Hey guys. If you were re-painting the Mona Lisa what colours would you use???!!!

What would be better is if someone bought the rights to the movie and put all the money into marketing it to be re-shown in cinemas all round the world.

"Maybe I should go alone"
- Quint, Jaws.



It would depend on whether it was a comedy or staying as a drama as to who I would cast in it. If it was a drama, I'd get Ewan McGregor (cuz I thought Tony Curtis looked like Ewan in some scenes) or Johnny Depp and Sean Patrick Thomas. If it was gonna be a comedy, I'd get Chris Evans and Martin Lawerence.



Bernie Mac and Will Ferrell, and they get caught at the end.


Denzel and Deniro as middle-aged cons with one chance left.


sean william scott (stiffler) and ja rule....would that be awesome?


except Ja Rule can't act! Did you see him in Fast and the Furious?! Ice Cube is a GREAT actor, but JR, Snoop and Dre have fallen way short in movies I've seen them in.


Warwick Davis and an Oompa Loompa


Re comedy re-make idea: The classic moment of The Defiant Ones was actually lampooned a long time ago (not sure who did it on TV but distinctly recall seeing it). In the iconic(SPOILER alert) almost-final scene where a CU shows black and white hands reaching out to help each other, the parody version has the Poitier character suddenly pulling back his hand from the Curtis character at the last second and gleefully deserting the sucker with a line that went something like: "Bye bye, whitey."


i know exactly what you're talking about. a friend and i use to bust up at the early '80's half hour comedy sketch of the george kirby show. most shows will depict kirby and a white guess chained together and the laughs rolled in.

i believe this is where the re-make comedy idea comes from and i share w/ most posters that this shouldn't be done. but for fun i choose chris rock and jeff foxworthy


Danny Glover, Mel Gibson


I would choose Vin Disel and 50 cent. What a combination? Two big strong men handcuffed together. Lots of action there.


stick to the same plot and use Ray Liota and Danny Glover as joker and cullen.
if you don't think they could do it, watch Dumbo drop.


Unfortunately, Hollywood already remade/ruined this classic film with 1996's "FLED". It starred Lawrence Fishbourne and Stephen Baldwin. It wasn't a drama, or a comedy, or really much of anything. The racial conflict is that there is not a racial conflict with the exception of one surly line from Baldwin. If they make this movie again I will only have a question: WHY!?



It was also redone with Robert Urich and Carl Weathers in 1986.


It was also redone with Robert Urich and Carl Weathers in 1986.

He's right, already made. And for what I remember (I watched when I was a kid) it wasn't a bad film.

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Yayy! Fled!


Samuel L. Jackson and Eugene Levy


Sonny Chiba and Amitabh Bachchan.


Macaulay Culkin and Michael Jackson

You can't hold a candle to Gulbenkian.



A super comedy it would be


that would be comedy


HA! Good one. I love it! And let's throw in Rick Moranis as a nasty Southern sheriff, too!



Christopher Walken and John Witherspoon. It would be art.

"A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin." -H.L. Mencken


Terrence Howard and Joquin Phoenix


First off, this film should NEVER be "re-made".

However, in the event that Hollywhore should be so lame as to attempt a "re-make", then I would recommend the following casting for the lead roles:

Edward Norton (white guy)
Chris Rock (non-white guy)

Let's just hope this NEVER happens. Christ.


They already did do a remake! (1996's "Fled" w/ Laurence Fishburne (The Matrix) and Stephen Baldwin (The Flintstones Go to Viva Rock Vegas) as the convicts and Will Patton (Remember the Titans) as the sheriff. They changed the characters and locales around to make a pretty rehased film.


They should get Martin Lawrence and Tim Allen to do it, because it would give me 2 more reasons not to watch it.


Terrence Howard and Joshua Jackson


laurence fishburne and stephen baldwin.


This is a movie that should not be remade, not because it isn't a good movie but simply because a remake would ruin the merit of the movie. Moreover, the movie is very much a period movie. The theme of racism still translates today but the movie today is not "revolutionary" as it was back in 1958. Mostly though I think a remake would take away from the merit of the film. I'm not saying that a good remake of this movie couldn't be made but it would take a really talented director to remake it in the style of the 1950's. By this I mean the director would need to keep the movie clean, i.e. no addition of any kind of a nude scene. I'm sure that an addition of swearing wouldn't take from the movie too much and might help the film in relating to today's modern audience but proper discretion would need to be taken. Also, I'm sure some violence or added gore could be done but again with proper discretion. Granted neither the violence nor the swearing is needed but it seems that it's what the populace wants in their movies nowadays. My own personal opinion is that it should be left alone. The only thing that should be done to it, and this is simply to gain it some attention is to re-release the movie and maybe colorize it.
