This NEEDS a remake...

Many times people complain about a remake. I'm sympathetic to this argument for some movies. However I don't understand the argument for this movie. There are so many reasons to do this movie the way that Tennessee Williams envisioned. It's about time.


No. Tennessee Williams plays are out of fashion for a reason. He was a gay writer writing about gay men's issues in a day when gay issues could not be talked about, so his plays aren't just about batshittery and melodrama, they're all about coded gay issues. Female characters are really representing gay men, characters are obviously closeted but it's never discussed openly... but we live in an age when all that IS discussed openly.

Plus, he was writing about a South that probably doesn't exist any more, the South that was still shabby-genteel and pretending to be Antebellum, not the South of Walmart and MAGA hats. No, he's a writer who doesn't have a lot to say to modern audiences.
