Allisons swimsuit

If Connie was so uptight about sex and making bad judgements, how come Allison was wearing a flesh colored swimsuit. Wouldn't that look like she was nude in the distance


Ha! I thought the same thing. Or perhaps she didn't think Allison would go swimming with a boy.


I was just watching this again the other night. You aren't alone. Like you, that very same thought went through my mind too.
sorry you aren't around here on Movie Chat. Maybe someone who is, will feel like joining me here.😄


Swimming with a boy... Sinful. LOL


😄 For shame! This book was a bit of a scandal back in the day. Peyton Place was filled with narrow minded people. Apparently, so was Hollywood. The censors worked over time on this one!
So goes the ridiculous dialogue and innuendo we see in the film.


Didn't they all get huffy too about EVERY swim suit scene in the older James Bond movie too?


I'm not sure.
