MovieChat Forums > Funny Face (1957) Discussion > Was Kay Thompson a drag queen?

Was Kay Thompson a drag queen?

She performed her numbers like one. The campy poses, the flamboyant gestures, the flouncing costumes. She was more over the top than Albin in La Cage Aux Folles.


She was not a drag queen. The drag queens studied HER.

This kind of comment why I resent the whole drag/trans thing, because the men in that community have appropriated the mannerisms of divas like Kay Thompson to such an extent that it's now seen as "drag" and the original women who created these mannerisms as being drag queens. Kay Thompson was not drag; she was all woman.


“The drag queens studied HER.”

My point is proved.


No, she was just a normal human woman, one who didn't look like most of the women who are allowed onto Hollywood screens.

Her primary job was actually doing vocal arrangements for MGMs music department, and in her spare time she wrote the "Eloise" children's books. She'd been a singer when she was young and had never been a star, and this was her only prominent film role. So I still wonder what the hell went into that casting, it's like "This role requires a total diva who radiates camp and star quality! So let's NOT cast a veteran stage or screen star, let's use someone with no acting experience - someone who already has a 9-5 job at the studio!". Seriously, she's great in the role, but I would LOVE to know the story of how she got cast.


“A total diva who radiates camp and star quality!”

In other words: A DRAG QUEEN!


No! The sort of woman drag queens wish they were! Or the kind of woman the dragster wishes to mock, depending.

It's just so odd that they pulled someone out of a back office to take the role, when Adele Astaire turned it down. You'd think they'd have used Delores Gray or some other pro.
