MovieChat Forums > Shichinin no samurai (1956) Discussion > Trolls destroyed the IMDB message boards

Trolls destroyed the IMDB message boards

IMDB is closing all of their message boards on Monday, Feb. 20th, 2017, because of troll issues. Even here in the SEVEN SAMURAI board, trolls are no stranger, and even some recent posts seem to indicate that.

I hope that the message boards will eventually come back (and I do have a feeling they will in some way, shape or form).

If not, it has been fun discussing and even debating Kurosawa's film all these years and I will definitely miss that back and forth with many of you movie fans. 


It doesn't surprise me to see trolls in the latest Star Wars or comic book threads, but when they start to take over sections devoted to classics of world cinema, then it really is time to shut things down.

The Force Awakens - The Last Jedi - From His Nap


Yes indeed, I agree with you both. But what now? People will be reduced to watching films they actually like?

I have never posted on the board of any film or TV show I didn't like. What's the point? If you consider it was a waste of time watching it, why waste more time saying so?

I'll miss some of the interesting chats with non-trolls, however. Hope we meet again.


Trolls are a problem across the board pardon the pun not confined to IMDB. People just need to realize a lot of it is from angry young guys with a lot of time on their hands. Better moderation would be better rather than surrendering to the trolls. Trolls are such a sick breed that they will cheer the sinking of the ship that they are on.


If you think Trolls destroyed IMDb, then life must be really disappointing for you.
Trolls have always been, and always will be...Period.
Before the internet, it was the sarcastic jerk at work, the class clown in school, or the bully in the playground. If you try to change your life because of them, you will always come up short. Like avoiding places you like to be because they are there...OR, shutting down IMDB. By simply ignoring these people, and a little moderation by the website, these trolls can be mitigated. Shutting down the boards was like taking a hammer to something that only needed a screwdriver.

Another (big) problem, is people no longer have any tolerance to opposing viewpoints. A heated discussion is exactly that...A discussion. But these days that's considered a bad thing, and must be shut down. Somebody's sensibilities might get challenged(hurt feelings).
Shutting down the boards was a terrible example of where were going.
And that other start-up forum, They have a bullhorn symbol at the top of every page saying "No political discussion allowed!". I will have absolutely NOTHING to do with that site.


Indeed, the IMDB boards were poorly moderated. Hateful, bigoted posts would remain on the boards for YEARS with nobody taking any action to remove or edit them, or warn the users. Thank goodness the IMDB boards went away, and we can have a fresh start here on!


It's much worse here and now.


because somebody does not share your opinions.

How's life as a leftwing nutjob who want to silence other, is it nice?

Probably not, fascists tend to live a life of pain and hated.

And they often suffer from micro penis syndrome as well.

Must suck to be you.


What a nasty stupid reply, based on your own miserable need to insult people - fu

It only sucks to be me when I am reading dumshite comments like yours.


I thought it was because of lack of use.


nah, it's was left wing Hollywood that couldn't handle hearing the audience's opinion on the shows and movies they made.
