Favorite MST3k riffs

"Cy Roth, maker of films and fine candies"

(during long scene of car driving in England)
"Stay on the left! On the left! Dickweeeeeed!!"
"Let's get you right out to the suburbs where it's safe."
"What, are they driving to Scotland??"

"Let's all watch it on the speaker."

(After landing on 13th moon the crew all light up cigarettes)
Larson- "I have the utmost urge to see what form of life is on this moon."
Crow- "And the utmost urge to smoke a pack or two!"

(Hestia screams in terror)
"Keep screaming! We're following your voice!"

"Thanks for hurling that gas bomb at me."

(as the fire maidens slowly wave goodbye)
"Goodbye... thanks for the valium..."

"I give not a crap for thee"

"Jupiter: America's dairyland!"


Flyin' into Los Alamos... Bringin' in some cadmium Rods!

"We mustn't give up hope." SHUT UP!

(Fart noise when the guy makes a strange face for no apparent reason) Heeeeey!

Oh, now suddenly he's british.

Pad pad pad the film! Pad pad pad the film! Pad pad pad pad pad pad pad pad pad pad the film!

Mmmmm! Baby got back!!!

Attempting re-entry!

Plot convenience playhouse presents...

Heh heh... NOONER.


(during launching scene, blowing sound is becoming louder)

Joel: Who's vacuuming? Please, stop vacuuming!


"Is there anything I can't conquer?"

