MovieChat Forums > Les diaboliques (1955) Discussion > Psycho or Les Diaboliques?

Psycho or Les Diaboliques?

Based on the trivia, Hitchcock made Psycho specifically to outdo Les Diaboliques...did he succeed? Which do you think is a better movie.

Personally, I think Les Diaboliques wins by a nose. It's definitely not as well paced as Psycho (the beginning exposition takes a little too long), but the scenes are genuinely creepier, more haunting, and more thrilling than in Psycho. Any other opinions?


I'm with Les Diaboliques because it did what Hitchcock was never really able to do; explain the supernatural logically without it becoming silly (I'm looking at you, Vertigo). The ending of Les Diaboliques is pretty much perfect. It's hair-raising, has a terrific explanation, and still leaves a little bit for consideration with the final scene. While Psycho has a hair-raising ending, the movie is content to end with a confirmation that it is about someone who is insane rather than normal people. Les Diaboliques' best quality is that it's about average people. Psycho is an unfortunately moralistic tale outliers.


a haunting, intense and horrorfying soundtrack is missing in diaboliques, therefore only second place.



The ambiguous ending in Les Diaboliques especially the the recurrent Moinet's conviction about Christina gives it a more darker , intricate side. But overall Psycho has better pacing , characters ,disguised but elaborate mystery. If Les Diaboliques dint have that dark side ending , Psycho would've subdued it significantly.

Psycho's better but both add indelibly to thriller/suspense concoction.


Clearly, the point goes to Diabolique. Not because I don't like Psycho, it is a great movie, too. Though it is much too American, with an unbelievable, sorry folks, final explanation. Diabolique is in this sense very straightforward, without having to bring in hair-raising psychological theory. And as add-on, in the end it leaves avenues for interpretation while the culprits are actually caught.





They're both equally fantastic. It's difficult to give a preference to one or the other.
