MovieChat Forums > Les diaboliques (1955) Discussion > Psycho or Les Diaboliques?

Psycho or Les Diaboliques?

Based on the trivia, Hitchcock made Psycho specifically to outdo Les Diaboliques...did he succeed? Which do you think is a better movie.

Personally, I think Les Diaboliques wins by a nose. It's definitely not as well paced as Psycho (the beginning exposition takes a little too long), but the scenes are genuinely creepier, more haunting, and more thrilling than in Psycho. Any other opinions?


I think I like Psycho more, but I like Les Diaboliques muuuuuuch more than any other Hitchcock movie.


Les Diaboliques is one of my all time favorites. Psycho is great too.




They're both great but Psycho wins for me because I can watch it over and over again without ever getting bored. There's so much going on, and it has a lighter touch with more cinematic flair and entertainment value.


I prefer the build-up in Psycho, but the suspence in Les Diaboliques.
But I do prefer the final twist in Psycho over the twist in Les Diaboliques.


For me it's sort of a matter of apples vs oranges: both films have a level of suspense that is damn near unbearable, but the plans of attack are so different it is not as simple to pick one over the other as one might think.

DIABOLIQUE has a more labyrinthine plot than PSYCHO; red herrings are all over the place, and the sexual tension between the two women adds an extra layer of confusion that keeps the viewer on pins and needles right up to the climax. And the fact that it is a French film makes a difference too.

PSYCHO, very much a product of Hollywood, was made by a master director who knew the American film audience inside and out. By killing off what the audience thought was the leading lady forty minutes into the story, Hitch yanked the rug completely out from under his audience, and as a result the remainder of the film is audience manipulation on a level never seen before or since.

At any rate, I love 'em both.

Never mess with a middle-aged, Bipolar queen with AIDS and an attitude problem!
roflol ><


Lol, I thought that the sexual tension between the women was only in my mind (because I'm a lesbian and sometimes I tend to misunderstand this kind of things)
Good to know that it was real, it makes this movie even more amazing


When it comes to the movies, where there is smoke there is usually somebody smoking.


Never mess with a middle-aged, Bipolar queen with AIDS and an attitude problem!
roflol ><


two great movies,but i have to go with psycho,but i respect anyone who thinks differntly,because les diaboliques is a really,really good piece of cinema


Well, it's pretty obvious that Psycho probably wouldn't be the way it is today if it wasn't for Les Diaboliques, but Psycho is my personal favorite movie ever made, so it wins by just a hair. Les Diaboliques is probably my second favorite movie, in no other movie (not even Psycho) has tension built up so perfectly and consistently. I knew I was going to like Les Diaboliques when I first watched it a while ago, but I had no idea I was going to LOVE it.



Les Diabboliques isn't even scary.


Michael Haneke's work is insipid. Lars von Trier's work is a walk in the park.


Les Diaboliques for me, but only by a bit, mainly because I prefer the ending to Les Diaboliques and it does a slightly better job at building the suspense.


Diabolique (1955)- 10/10
Psycho (1960)- 8/10

Freddy Krueger: Come here. Come here, my little piggy. I got some gingerbread for ya.
