OMG A Joshua tree!

Ellen Fields' (Barabra Rush)scream is classic.
You could tell she was psyched up, because I am sure she's seen those trees before that night.


totaly unrealistic scream form female cast is probably the single msot unifying characteristic of 50s-60s sci-fi.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.


I watched this movie just last night. When I saw this post's subject I thought it was going to be about the lone Joshua tree outside the house that was all by itself in the desert where Ellen and John Putnam (Richard Carlson) are gazing through the telescope while getting romantic.


That was a silly scene, but your comment made me laugh 

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


That Joshua tree made the scene look so atmospheric. There is something spooky about them.

I've just looked up the Joshua tree on Wiki. It was named by the Mormons who likened the tree to Joshua with his hands upraised to the heavens in prayer.


What about her screaming at little Timmy (or whomever) in a space suit at the front door? A little over the top.


Ya - women are so simple minded and weak. At least in the 1950s
