Time to Say Chao

Wow. It's really time for me to move on from this board, which, over the course of the last six months or so, has become almost diseased in negativity.

I've always loved debates about the series, its cast and characters, episodes, arcs and so on. And I get that not everyone enjoys the show on the same level, but the addition of a few genuine trolls to an already small circle of posters has really soured the forum. Even a few longtime fans seem to have been inflicted by one or two creeps who love to throw major shade on this great show simply to stir the pot.

Have I been affected? Yes, I find myself becoming too sardonic and sarcastic in replies, and this is not a tone I enjoy, especially with this great show that has brought me more joy than any other program.

I thought by putting Corry (whose full name HAS to be coloRECTAL) on ignore several weeks back would clean up the board for me. Alas, no.

I'm moving to a different ILL forum. Hopefully, rare, but lovely posters like Steven and Andrew can lend both their relative youth and insights into a slowly dying board and revive it. I Love Lucy deserves better.

As Desi Arnaz might've said..."Chao!"


Interesting. I've noticed the same thing. There's a lot unnecessary Lucy-bashing. Lol. It's like they don't get it.

If Lucy was a completely ethical character, the show would have been Ozzie & Harriet.


This is a sad day for me. I have enjoyed many, many exchanges with Gary. A few times we have disagreed on specifics but we came at it as fans who loved the show and respected Lucy's talent.

Who will I discuss every aspect of the show with now????


With me!!! I'm a diehard Lucy fan.

But I have noticed many posters pointing out Lucy's ethical flaws. That wasn't the point of the character. She wasn't a goody two-shoes like Mary Tyler Moore. Her flaws are what made her funny.


Yes, so true about MTM. Actually in the early seasons her "sweetness" sometimes got on my nerves. There's a difference in being nice and being someone who allows people to steamroll over you.

Mary Richards was not at all like Lucy's zany character. But she allowed too many people to walk all over her. Yet in the last few seasons when Mary started to assert herself, some fans claimed she was being too mean and b#tchy. Ya just can't win I guess!

Lucy was never intentionally mean. Most of her schemes stemmed from her desire for a show biz career which Ricky thwarted at every turn. Although he did allow her to "get into the act" at the Tropicana many times.

Lucy could be catty and two faced when it came to her relationship with Caroline Appleby. But so was Caroline! And she and Ethel had some childish, sisterly type fights. But Lucy's behavior was no more unethical than a lot of other people.


Okay, let me give you an example where Lucy actually assaults a person and commits a felony which would land her in prison. 🤣

If you’re like me and you’re wondering how Lucy got the part this late in the process, or learned the whole thing with no rehearsal, or built up enough energy to do it, prepare yourself for some dark. shit.

Lucy has tied the other woman up and locked her gagged body in a closet. To get her to teach the dance number, we can only assume Lucy tortured her earlier. As for the sudden burst of energy, maybe she drank the girl’s youthful blood. I can only report on what I see.

I dunno if it was, like, Lucy’s time of the month or what, but locking away a woman’s bound and kidnapped body is not what Woolf meant by the feminist phrase “A Room of One’s Own.”



Haha. Point is, Lucy Ricardo is madcap. But she does some awful twisted stuff.🤣


I do agree with you. She also committed a crime by stealing john Wayne's footprints. She trespassed on Richard Widmark's estate. She did a number of things which would land someone in real life in jail. But we're supposed to go along with it because Lucy was so childish that she didn't mean any harm.


But I agree with the OP's point. A lot of folks on this board are making moral judgments against Lucy Ricardo's behavior. I kind of think of her as "Beyond Good & Evil". 🤣


Lucy was "sitcom evil". lol Her behavior mostly served to drive Ricky up the wall, but she rarely caused serious harm. It's not as if she set out to rob a bank when her checking account was overdrawn (which it often was).
