
I am a huge Gene Tierney fan, but I just watched this last night and was greatly disappointed. Maybe I'm comparing it to how great Laura was. It wasn't anything in particuliar, but simply that the movie didn't hold my interest, nothing great or memorable. There are far better film noir/crime movies that are better worth the time.


yeah i was going to say something similar, i'm a huge noir fan and when i saw that Gene was in this i just had to see this, but i was terribly disappointed

it was a very forgettable movie, nothing memorable about it 5/10

so many movies, so little time


"Where the Sidewalk Ends" was never intended to be like "Laura", so watching it with such an unreasonable expectation dooms a viewer to failure from the start. The movie succeeds perfectly at being "Where the Sidewalk Ends", and all of the actors in it are excellent.
