James Baskett

A main thing being lost in the ban is the talent of James Baskett. He was one of the most talented voice actors of the era. And Walt Disney allowed him on the platform to show his talent.

Baskett was involved very heavily in the movie inclusding the voice of brer fox, the lead live actor role and from what I have read he even filled in for Brer Rabbit. This guy shoudl be given his due historically.


Sorry, but apparently he was just an Uncle Tom who did a disservice to his race. Or so I've been led to believe.


Hands up, how many of the haters here have actually SEEN the film?


The biggest role of a black actor's career erased from history by self-righteous white morons indulging in a virtue-signaling circle jerk. Ironically, most of those idiots haven't even seen the movie, and mistakenly think it's about slavery.
