best ending

i loved the ending where watson almost shoots holmes in the shooting gallery


Yeah it's a great climax, an idea worthy of Hitchcock :)


It was pretty tense, considering. One great thing was that I was more in suspense as to how Sherlock would handle it. I love how these old movies still fool me. You'd think certain twists would be clichéd and overused by now, but evidently not.


what? it was terrible

icheckmovies: IMDb vote history-compatible movielist host


Sherlock Holmes nearly shot for being Hitler in a shooting gallery. Spider Woman had a good ironic sense of humor. And a sinister smile.


This is a great ending, very suspenseful and drawn out. I remember seeing it as a kid, but I was never sure what movie it was from. It was only years later as I was working my way through the set that I finally came across it. The Spider Woman isn’t the best of the Rathbone/Bruce movies, but it has a lot going for it. Seeing Watson and LeStrade upset about Sherlock’s death is moving, and the scenes between Rathbone and Sondergard crackle with intensity. This movie is akin to comfort food.


I've come across another 1943 movie that has a figure of Hitler as a target at a shooting gallery. There is one in 'The Crystal Ball' too.
