MovieChat Forums > Lassie Come Home Discussion > I cried when Edmund Gwenn's little dog g...

I cried when Edmund Gwenn's little dog got squashed

I don't dare tell any of my friends that this movie actually brought tears in my eyes. Shows you how great and effective this classic is. Bravo.


Burt, I agree with you as I had the same reaction when I saw it.


I have seen this film many times over the past 40 odd years! and I always cry!it really pulls at the heart strings


That's the scene in the movie that really starts the water works for me. From the moment we first meet her, little Toots is so adorable! The first time I really watched this, when the guy first kicks her, I gasped, hoping that she would be all right. Then after Lassie chases him and the other guy away and comes back and she and Gwenn find out that she's dead, that's when I really start crying. Then the tears subside a little bit with the next scene, the good-bye between Lassie and Gwen, start up a little more and subside during the following scene when she shows up at the cottage; but then I start up again as she's limping down the street on her way to the school, and the townspeople are all amazed that she's back. Then when she limps through the open gate and lays down by her tree to wait for Joe and all the kids come streaming out...Joe, upon seeing her, is still for a moment, then runs to her, over-joyed that his beloved dog has come home...That's when I'm REALLY crying, although they are most definitely happy tears this time.

This is most definitely one of my all-time favorite movies.

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I bawl like a baby when Toot's dies everytime I see this movie. And the end! Tears of joy.


I can sure relate to the reaction after Toots is killed. I really started to cry ...and hard, while holding onto my beagle/basset girl Lulu. What a tear-jerker this movie is. I'm glad it was a happy ending though. The last minute when Lassie and Joe are finally reunited got me good...i needed a whole box of Kleenex for this movie! Splendid acting by Edmund him in the Christmas movie too...The Miracle on 34th Street.


I saw this lovely movie yesterday for the very first time, and although it brought tears in my eyes almost since the very beginning -as I love dogs and become quite emotional even by just seeing them in movies- it was when that little dog gets killed when I really started to cry. And quite hard, I must say. It was one of the saddest movie scenes that I saw in my life, and even now I become teary-eyed just by remembering it.

Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop


There is no shame whatsoever that people cry while watching this film. I have seen it 10 times and still cry! It's a pure tear jerker, the movie was intended to provoke this reaction. If you think this is sad, watch Stella Dallas or Captains Courageous.


I fully agree about "Stella Dallas"... The last scene is tremendously heartbreaking... 

Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop


That was so heart breaking seeing his dog killed. It brought me to tears too.


Generally I leave the room before that part occurs and don't come back until I'm sure it's over.
