Dumbo vs. Bambi

Which do you prefer?




Please don't make me choose between two brilliant animated gems. Given the order, I will say Bambi.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeleine Kahn(CLUE, 1985)





Bambi all the way. In my opinion, the greatest achievement animation has yet produced.


Dumbo. I was never really familiar with Bambi, while my first ever Disney movie was 'Dumbo' on video.
Also, the fact that Dumbo couldn't speak made him so much more vulnerable. He has a soft spot in my heart.


I cast my vote on Bambi.

Yes, Dumbo is a magnificent picture, but Bambi is a freakin' epic, dealing with seasons, coming of age, the sense of loss and the impact mankind has on nature. It's just an all-round kick-ass movie, and my favorite from the Golden Age.
Plus, it was, along with The Bards greatest play, the inspiration for Disneys perhaps greatest movie (and my personal favorite among them): The Lion King.

Oh, and can we forget what might be the most beautifully animated sequence of all time, "Little April Shower?" Just look att the way the water and raindrops are animated on when they fall on the leaves.
And it was all done WITHOUT computers.

Nowadays, we have magnificent CGI animation wich can be astoundishing, but for my money, nothing can top the Little April Shower, beating a tune as it fall on the ground. =)

That's it, fetch my katana, it's butchering time!


I prefer Bambi. My daughter prefers Dumbo. Let's call it a draw.




Hmm, this is a toughy. I don't really care for either, but if I had to push for a choice, I'd probably go with "Dumbo". "Bambi" depresses me for some reason.

"Mark well me words, mateys: Dead men tell no tales!"


Then maybe Bamby, but today? definitively Dumbo, Bamby it's plain boring now while Dumbo it's still cute and funny.
