Dumbo vs. Bambi

Which do you prefer?


Definetely Dumbo.

Okay, Bambi may be better in a visual way, but considering that Dumbo was made in very hard times (remember, WWII in the USA was just around the corner in '41 - not quite a great time to make the movie that should save Disney from going bankrupt), Dumbo is defenitely the movie with the best story, the best feeling.

Bambi is sweet, that's for sure... but there isn't really an, as I prefer to call it, 'emotional rollercoaster ride' in the way that Dumbo gives you.

Maybe it's my weird personality, but for me the scene with Dumbo and his mother (imprisoned) makes me 10 times more sad then the scene where Bambi's mother is shot...


what is a difference between them
bambi is a deer and dumbo is an elephant.
dumbo is made in 1941 and bambi is made in 1942.
that's the difference
dumbo does not talk and bambi talks
dumbo is older than bambi


dumbo is older than bambi??? not by the end he aint!

'All for one and one for all! You go first, I've got a bad leg.'


both, but mrs.jumbo RULES!

Save Darfur!



bambi all the way!


dumbo grat film bambi boars me


Am I the only one who came to this post expecting to see "who would win in a fight?" lol


I love them both. I can't choose between them. They are both excellent Disney films, and they both make me cry.

If you love Jesus Christ 100% (and He is #1 in your life) copy this and use it for your signature.


Definitely Bambi. I never liked Dumbo but I watched it last night for the first time in years and now that i'm older I realized just now "real" it is. Dumbo is more real to me than any of the Disney movies because Dumbo deals with a lot of real powerful emotions. The scene where the female elephants make fun of Dumbo and when Mrs. Jumbo was attacked made me think about the real world where you're treated differently or made fun of just because you look different. And I wasn't expecting to get that response from a cartoon! But if I had to choose between the two Bambi wins hands down.

"There is a power beyond good and evil. The power to create and the power to destroy."



I'd have to go with Dumbo. Even though Bambi a work of art, I find Dumbo more entertaining.

How many cups of sugar does it take to get to the moon?



I pick both. They are classic examples of what Disney can do when they really put their minds to it.


Bambi, but I love Dumbo too.

"House. My room. Can't walk. My father! My medal! Father, don't!"


Dumbo! by a nose..




Dumbo is a classic but Bambi is a masterpeice.


Definatly Bambi


Dumbo. And I'll go off-topic and add Fantasia. Just because.

The Masses are @sses

