MovieChat Forums > The Grapes of Wrath (1940) Discussion > John McCain and Republicans must hate th...

John McCain and Republicans must hate this movie

Big government is in full force in this movie, with the Department of Agriculture collective as the family's saving grace. Don't forget the Communist undertones as well, with the people sharing resources and organizing at the community level to survive. Goddamn socialists!


Right, because movies, television, music, etc....they all tell people what to think.

"I used to be a Republican, but after seeing this movie, now I'm not!"

It sounds idiotic because the idea is idiotic. This is an amazing movie, adapted from an amazing book. Anyone with half a brain can appreciate it without buying into the politics.

Poor people are crazy, Jack. I'm eccentric.


I'm a Republican and I love this movie.

I'm more of a populist-Huckabee Republican though -- I support healthcare initiatives, labor regulations and things like that.


There is a difference between the unions of today which have significant government backing, laws guaranteeing bargaining rights, and forced membership/dues by all workers, to the 'union' portrayed in this movie of a group of people voluntarily joining a group based on the principles and values of being mistreated by their employer.



Oh yeah. John Ford was investigated for being a Marxist sympathizer. To think someone would not have this movie shown? This was of course back in our overly fascist forties. They also looked into Charlie Chaplin, a man J Edgar Hoover despised. The people who hate this movie are the people who believe this movie was set in the Good ol days.

Takes no nerve to do something, ain't nothin' else you can do.


Many Republicans and others hated this movie. The crew filming this movie did so incognito, claiming to be filming a documentary on Route 66 or whatever. There was strong sentiment against "Okies" in those days.

While many Republicans disliked (and dislike) the messages about cruel exploitive employers and helpful big-government, that is not always the case. Some Republicans broke ranks in the 1930's to vote for Social Security, and very few today seek to eliminate it.


by MrPie7 (Fri Aug 13 2010 09:34:40) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

UPDATED Fri Aug 13 2010 09:38:49

All this "growth" is based on a destroyed economy. If these numbers were based on a "real" ie. normal GNP, there WAS no depression. We IMAGINED it all. Grow up.

If we take all the positive numbers and add, them minus 1938 we end up with about 38%. Now would you say that 38 cents on the dollar was recovery??? Try living on 1/3 of your salary!


Good old REPUGNICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIRTY EIGHT cents MORE that what was the NORM at the START of the DEPRESSION IS IMPROVEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can YOU and your CONTURD eyes & PEA BRAINED MIND see and UNDERSTAND THIS?????????????

Why do REPUGGERS always INSIST the liberals have no clue in running the country??????????????????????????

WE are ALL AMERICANS why can't you right wing Limburger, Glenda Beck watching brain dead people understand this???????????????

Dems do not have all the answers BUT neither do the Reps. TOGETHER MAYBE we all do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Until then the USA is DOOMED TO FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have enough exclamation points there, JJC-3?

I think most people can agree on what the original political sentiments in the novel are, whether the people who made the film believed them or not. A political sentiment is NOT equivalent to the support of a popular political party, with its own ideology that will almost never fully represent an individual's philosophy on how society is to be run. The mud-slinging on both ends is growing tiresome and, by the look of some previous comments, rather diluted and childish. Support a political philosophy for its intended purpose, not for the support or sake of partisan groups and popular alignment. Politics isn't a game or a sport, where you chose a side based often on residency, and you trash talk each other when you team "gains the upper hand". Your "team" never wins. It only strives to better the lives of EVERYONE. I hear some people spout that they're "Republican" or "Democrat", with a "hell yeah for Obama!" or a "hell yeah for McCain!" or whatever. And yet they have no idea what their party stands for, at best saying Republican=conservative and Democrat=liberal. A dreadful shame, if you ask me.
That is all.

...And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future...


Good old REPUGNICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIRTY EIGHT cents MORE that what was the NORM at the START of the DEPRESSION IS IMPROVEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can YOU and your CONTURD eyes & PEA BRAINED MIND see and UNDERSTAND THIS?????????????

Why do REPUGGERS always INSIST the liberals have no clue in running the country??????????????????????????

WE are ALL AMERICANS why can't you right wing Limburger, Glenda Beck watching brain dead people understand this???????????????

Dems do not have all the answers BUT neither do the Reps. TOGETHER MAYBE we all do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Until then the USA is DOOMED TO FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You seem to carry water for democrats, but it doesn't even matter when you type like the average commenter on Stormfront. You're not going to be taken seriously until you stop getting into fistfights with your keyboard.



My mother-in-law, who is 98, is from Missouri and she along with her family migrated to Idaho in order to find work in the 1930's. Those who lived through those times adapted by being extremely frugal and that frugality became a part of their being. The other trait they shared was an intense dislike of "Republican's" who were seen as the cause of the Great Depression. They idolized FDR and thought he was the best president ever. I remember in 2008 as I was getting ready to go volunteer for Barack Obama, she said "don't let the Republican's screw us again".


Your mother-in-law is an idiot. FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression.




Your mother-in-law is an idiot. FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression.

Let's keep the mother-in-laws out of this.


Totally agree. The movie had such a good plot and acting that I had to like it. That said, the last third of the movie felt like pure propaganda. Businessmen = the root of all evil. Government intervention = blessing from God and the solution to all. The political agenda was the strongest in the main character's fairwell speech to his mother when he talks about the injustice of one large landowner while thousands of farmers starve.

I'm not saying there isn't truth in the agenda, but I prefer the political assaults on me to be a little more blended into the plot. This started to feel like the propaganda films I saw in some of eastern Europe's Communist museums.



agree..but consider the times in which the book was written and the movie made.
Lets re-do it with Wall Street/Chinese iPhone slave labor and out sourced sneaker manufacturers. OH..let's not forget the Pennsylvania AMAZON distribution centers.


Why? It's just a very well-made film. I don't see every Republican hating Liberal movies like Avatar.

Blogging isn't writing. It's graffiti with punctuation.


Wrong...I am a Republican and I enjoyed this movie.

I just enjoyed the movie as it is...nothing to do with politics, or unions, etc. It's a classic movie.


Wrong...I am a Republican and I enjoyed this movie.

I just enjoyed the movie as it is...nothing to do with politics, or unions, etc. It's a classic movie.

Republicans can certainly enjoy this classic film, but it is very liberal in the old prairie-populist tradition.

Regardless, I hope that The Grapes of Wrath at least instills some sympathy for people who are struggling to make it through poverty and at the margins of society. Nowadays, those people are frequently demonized (in certain political quarters)


hahahaha, I love how Liberal Hollywood with their billion dollar mansions act as if they're making movies for the common man. They are anything but common. And whoever wrote this post must think that Obama wants to hang around poor people instead of his rich backers.

This movie was trash, and seemed like it was written by a child.


You seem to be more of a partisan propagandist than a movie aficionado.



Honestly, "liberal Hollywood" is a myth that you right-wingers just love to keep plugging on. Hollywood is a business industry--it is no more "liberal" that any other business. And,frankly, Obama has done more things to help regular everyday working people (like passing Obamacare) and done more to reach out to us "common" people than some of these arrogant-a** Repubs who claim to speak for the "common people"---ugh! Also, when he was campaigning for election, he spent more time stopping to see everyday average people, and not just in the areas where rich folk live. So your statement is stupid and idiotic, and if you can't understand that when this movie was made, times were completely different politically and this film was literally after the Depression had ended, so it's historically important. But then, a brain-dead right-wingnut idiot like you wouldn't be able to actually think long enough out of your Fox News-dominated thinking to actually figure that out.


I'd say John McCain is one of the very few decent Republicans out there.
The rest is corrupt filth on the payroll of Wall Street.

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


"John McCain and Republicans must hate this movie"

So who ever called John McCain a Republican?


The Lib Loons must love this movie because it shows White Privilege at its best.


Hahaha. Narrowminded americans are both funny and sad. It is safe to say that in the corporate hellhole you guys have made for yourself neither the sellout democrats or the sellout republicans like the ideas the novel by steinbeck brings to the table.


Stop, you're all wrong.

The stock market crash of 1929 was caused by a number of factors, mainly greed, resulting in gambling on the stock market on borrowed money, and stupid actions on the part of the Federal Reserve, a central bank put in place by liberals with "good intentions", following the idea that the government controlling the economy and interest rates would negate cyclical depressions and recessions. This idea has consistently been proven false since the inception of the Federal Reserve.

Most people don't know about the depression of 1920 that was worse than the initial depression started by the 1929 crash. The Federal government responded by slashing its budget, and banks raised their interest rates. The unemployment rate reached a peak of 11.7% in 1921, dropped to 6.7% in 1922, and 2.4% in 1923. Following that we had the biggest boom in the economy before or since, "the Roaring Twenties".

With the crash of 1929 and resulting depression, the government went deeper in debt and accomplished little. It took 10 years for the economy to reach the level it was in 1929. The war in Europe helped the economy in 1938-40, as we were building up to supply Europe with munitions and other supplies. With our ensuing entry into the war (planned for some time by our powers that be, in my humble opinion), the government basically took control of all industry in the US to supply our war efforts, which resulted in full employment, of necessity). At the same time, consumer products were in short supply and often rationed, so people saved their money for after the war, often investing in war bonds. After the war, when industry returned to making consumer products, manufacturers could sell all the product they could make, as demand was so high. People had to get on waiting lists to purchase a car or major appliance, which, of course, resulted in a booming economy.

The dust bowl was a result of ignorant farming methods that had been handed down from generation to generation. Technology and scientific farming pushed the little guy off his farm. People using new machinery and farming methods outproduced the little guy and the resulting higher yields caused the market price of agricultural prices to drop dramatically. The little guy, usually sharecroppers or tenant farmers went deeper and deeper in debt, as they could not get enough for their produce to feed and clothe their families. Many had seen the light and left their farms for the cities, seeking industrial jobs. This also resulted in excess labor available in the cities, resulting in stagnant wages there.

Now, as to the recession and inexcusably poor recovery from the recession of 2008, this recession again was caused by liberal "good intentions." The government and other liberal organizations forced banks to make mortgages that any sensible person would know would never be paid back, often with little or nothing down. In the past, knowing that the housing market is subject to ups and downs, no bank would lend on property without at least 10% (usually 20%) down. With the backing of Freddie Mac & Fanny Mae, the banks were able to gamble with these notes and traded them as derivatives, further aggravating the situation when the s**t hit the fan. You all know the idiotic spending the government has been doing since 2008, so I won't go into that.

Blame for the Great Depression and the recession of 2008 til now, can be laid directly at the feet of both Democrats and Republicans who have been leading us down the primrose path to socialism for over 100 years. If you think that pouring more money down a hole will make things better, vote for a Republican or Democrat.

Sex is like the game of bridge, if you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a GOOD hand - Mae West
