One Of The Best Endings Ever

I just watched this movie today after recording it on TCM earlier this week. The ending blew me away. I literally stood up and said "Wow...".


Fantastic ending to a fantastic movie. "I steal," wow. Just two words, but so powerful.

This movie made me really angry about the injustices of the "justice" system. I guess that was the point.

"He's already attracted to her. Time and monotony will do the rest."



Ah, the lone voice of dissent. Just goes to show, you can't please everyone!

Whatever you do, DO NOT read this sig--ACKKK!!! TOO LATE!!!




I agree... there are wayyyyyy too many sappy, romantic, happy-endings in films nowadays. In my opinions the best stories ever told don't end happily. To see a story like this is to peer in to the unknown story of a sad soul who DID NOT live to tell his story, but rather, left us with our own imaginations to ponder how he'd lived out the rest of his life.

Nowadays 99% of films are "feel-good stories"; astronauts, gunslingers, crime-fighters, etc, all face adversity and almost always end up gaining the upper hand toward the end of the film because film studios don't want to alienate viewers with delicate sensibilities. Those who go see films with their families and expect Steve McQueen (in whatever role), James Bond, or any one of a few dozen comic book heroes to face insurmountable odds and miraculously come out on top. Unfortunately realistic stories (fiction or not) aren't like that, and I'll take realistic over over-exaggerated any day.


Amazing ending, one that sticks in the mind, ironic that he didnt steal to begin with!
