MovieChat Forums > Frankenstein (1931) Discussion > Need help with a "frankenstein" style mo...

Need help with a "frankenstein" style movie

I'm looking for the name of a movie. Technically, it is
not a Frankenstein film, but let's just say it was
"inspired" by the franchise. I haven't seen this film for
at least 30 years so my memory may be hazy/partially

The film is in black and white and looks like it was made
in the 1950-1965 range. A brain was transferred into a
robotic body. The body was very strong and built like
a linebacker. The eyes were monochromatic squares.
I believe lightning could come out of the eyes to vaporize
his foes. And yes, it looked a lot like Frankenstein.

The brain was from a good guy. But absolute power corrupts,
and before long, he's killing left and right. The last
scene involves a confrontation with the son of the former
brain donor. After a moment of self-reflection,
"Frankenstein" realizes the error of his ways and commits

Does this ring a bell with anyone?


It sounds like THE COLOSSUS OF NEW YORK, from 1958. It starred Ross Martin and Otto Kruger. Martin portrays a Nobel Prize winning scientist working on a plan to end world hunger. When Martin is killed in an accident, fellow scientist Kruger retrieves the Genius's brain, and inserts it into the Colossus. For a brief time the brain seems to function normally, but then, both brain and movie go down hill.

That being said, it's quite enjoyable. The acting is good, the story doesn't drag and THE COLOSSUS Robot is really scary.

I hope this helps...

I do hope he won't upset Henry...


I'm pretty sure that COLOSSUS OF NEW YORK is the film that I'm thinking of.

Thank you, joystar5879!



Frankenstein Conquers the World


Yes, as someone said, it was "The Colossus of New York". I saw it in a theater when I was four or five and it scared the living bejezuz out of me. And believe me, it's hard to get your bejezuz back once it's gone.
