MovieChat Forums > La passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928) Discussion > What's wrong with female ratings in IMDb...

What's wrong with female ratings in IMDb?

Hello all.

I am posting this here but it could be posted in almost any great film's board. This has been perhaps discussed before but I couldn't find any real answer for the strange fact that females, and especially females under 18, seem to give the poorest ratings for the most excellent films. Dreyer's Passion is a good example:

92 Males under 18 voted, averaging 7.2
27 Females under 18 voted, averaging 1.7

Is someone doing this on purpose? Signing in with a female-under-18 account and thrashing great films? Take Kurosawa's Seven Samurai for another example (currently top#9):

1,101 Males under 18 voted, averaging 8.6
187 Females under 18 voted, averaging 4.9

The number of females under 18 who vote is always much smaller than that of males, but I am drawn to the conclusion that even this number isn't real, and that at least a portion of these votes *must* be from ill-intentioned people.

If anyone can shed light on this topic, I'd be much obliged.


I'm 17 (female), and I just watched this for the first time. I gave it a 10, and I don't understand the low rating for females under 18. Mainly, I don't understand why any of them would want to watch it in the first place, a silent movie about Joan of Arc? The only thing I can think of is trolls.


I find that usually females over 45 give worse ratings:

Take The Good The Bad and The Ugly
-18 8,8
45+ 7,9

Faust 1926
-18 7,5
45+ 5,3

Nosferatu 1922
-18 8,2(the group that rated it highest)
45+ 6,7

Many more examples I believe

When it's Femals under 18 there are often few ratings. There are 10 from females under 18. However 534 from females 45+. Femals 45+ However yet gave the moivie 5,3.



Because girls under 18 are more evolved human beings and they don't care for old artsy *beep*


I posted a similar question quite awhile back on Children Of Paradise -- though mine was not related specifically to girls under 18. It was rated lower by all women.

I suspect in that case it's a combination of 1) old movie (1943 or so), 2) black & white, 3) French language, 4) male protagonist who is at some point unfaithful to is wife. Of course, only my 4th point would seem pertinent to gender.

Children Of Paradise is an incredible film. One you never forget (for most people anyway).

... and the rocks it pummels. - James Berardinelli


They vote with their vaginas.

And they say men think with their penises, let alone those under 18.


It's obvious vote tampering. There's a bunch of classic films like this that someone has been playing similar shenanigans with. Why they have such hate for these movies and are trying to drive their scores down is anyone's guess but in the case of this film it's a little too highly regarded and popular for their shill votes to have much effect.
