MovieChat Forums > La passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928) Discussion > What's wrong with female ratings in IMDb...

What's wrong with female ratings in IMDb?

Hello all.

I am posting this here but it could be posted in almost any great film's board. This has been perhaps discussed before but I couldn't find any real answer for the strange fact that females, and especially females under 18, seem to give the poorest ratings for the most excellent films. Dreyer's Passion is a good example:

92 Males under 18 voted, averaging 7.2
27 Females under 18 voted, averaging 1.7

Is someone doing this on purpose? Signing in with a female-under-18 account and thrashing great films? Take Kurosawa's Seven Samurai for another example (currently top#9):

1,101 Males under 18 voted, averaging 8.6
187 Females under 18 voted, averaging 4.9

The number of females under 18 who vote is always much smaller than that of males, but I am drawn to the conclusion that even this number isn't real, and that at least a portion of these votes *must* be from ill-intentioned people.

If anyone can shed light on this topic, I'd be much obliged.


This topic is posted on every major film. It doesnt really specify their age. A 17 year old girl will probably appreciate this film, but not a 13 year old one


that at least a portion of these votes *must* be from ill-intentioned people

Bingo. Female groups, especially the Under 18 and 45+ set, are heavily trolled. Neither has a big population on IMDb; trolls know this and take advantage of the fact to give movies low ratings and to give their votes more weight.

The most irritating side effect of this is that now everyone who frequents IMDb thinks that females under 18 are all brain-damaged...

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.


Not all teenage girls vote like that, I'm fifteen and I gave it a 9/10.

My vote history:


Somebody else may have said this, but, considering how young those voters are, I would bet that a great many have been forced to watch it as school. That's never a good idea.

-- You're going on after Crispy Ambulance! --


One of the issues here is that we are assuming that people describe their age and gender accurately on the internet. In fact, people tell lots of fibs to make themselves appear to be something they are not - just ask anyone who has used an internet dating site. When it comes to setting up a profile on a website, it is a truism that when you present yourself as young and female online, you attract a lot of sexualized attention. Many people who are looking for such attention but are neither young nor female will describe themselves as such. Meanwhile, actual young women may claim to be older, or present themselves as male as a safety precaution or as a means of deterring unwanted interaction. So, when we draw conclusions about the intelligence, taste, values, or capacity for artistic appreciation of a group based on age and/or gender, we have to keep in mind that many of the people on imdb are probably not what they appear to be.


PEOPLE! Please realize that this has little to do with actual taste, and more to do with methodology and the politics of imdb (namely the top 250). The reality of imdb is that plenty of upvoting and downvoting occur in order to jockey one's favorites into a higher position. This very movie has almost 10% of its ratings a 1/10 (~14% for the top 1000 voters, which are the ratings that "matter"). I haven't seen it but I think we can all agree that this is most definitely NOT 1/10 material.

If you are truly interested in why this discrepancy exists, see my two posts on this thread: A bit long, but probably illuminating for most of you.


This movie is boring! So is Seven Samurai! I gave them 6... I can see how they are technically good movies, but am I really going to give a 9 to something that bored me the entire time? It's not because its a silent film... I rated "Modern Times" 8 and "The General" 9... much more entertaining movies. I, like probably a lot of people, rate on how much I ENJOYED the movie, not on how "good" a film is on objective scales (script, acting, technicals)... if it's doesn't all come together to blow me away and impress me, it's not going to get a high rating.

-- 29 year old female.


Please save your tens for movies with Julia Roberts sucking on spoons and blabbing about her navel lint and why no one wants to grope her any more.


Hmmm I'm not sure if you are referring to a specific movie, but if they did make a movie about that and it was totally awesome I would rate it as a 10 and I wouldn't really care if some pretentious snob got mad about it. People have opinions. Deal with it!


I have my opinion too. Deal with it and don't expect anyone to care that you don't find that "Hamlet" or "Macbeth" speaks to you.



Yeah, this is pretty sexist. It's obvious that the ratings were skewed because of the smaller amount of females under 18 voting and the fact that some of them were probably trolling, just like with any other age/sex. Now that it's been a few years, the rating from females under 18 is 7.2.

I'm 20 and I just watched this film. It's brilliant, and I've appreciated silent films since I was fairly young.

Also, can we stop making sexist generalizations, commenters? Like that teenage girls only want sex and gossip? Or that women aren't as interested in the technical aspects of film? That's honestly one of the most important parts of a film to me.
