Why is this not in The IMDB Top 250?

I mean this landmark of a movie?

"Which one of you nuts has got any guts?"
Jack Nicholson - One Who Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest


Because it's a mostly boring, overly preachy, morally suspect movie.

It wasn't very good, it's certainly not one of the Top 250 best movies ever.


I am just amazed by your youthful ignorance.
Not boring at all. So sorry but no vampires or zombies or guro must have just let you down.

Preachy about what? Not a religious film.

Morally suspect?
In what sense?
The inability of love to overcome hatred & resentment?

Your post is intellectually suspect.


Morally suspect?

Because the "intolerance" and "hatred & resentment" that this movie is bashing is people not liking W.D. Giffith's previous movie about how great the Klan is.


As far as I'm concerned, this should be at the very top.


You and me both, pal.


i didn't like the movie, there was too much going on it was hard to follow 5/10

in the silent film genre, i think Metropolis is the greatest hands down, that one is a masterpiece

so many movies, so little time


Probably the same reason it lost so much money at the box office. Audiences now, as then, aren't prepared for a work of this magnitude. Intolerance is arguably the greatest film ever made, so of course it's poorly regarded by "the masses," and barely anyone knows it exists.
