MovieChat Forums > Michelle Wolf Discussion > Michelle Wolf truly shows the HYPOCRISY ...

Michelle Wolf truly shows the HYPOCRISY and DISHONESTY of the Modern Conservative

Donald J. Trump admits on a recording that he freely grabs women “by the p---y” and gets elected president of the United States; but comedian Michelle Wolf cracks a joke in front of the formal-wear crowd at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner — using practically the same words — and gets raked across the coals for being “vulgar,” “mean-spirited,” and “downright nasty”


Just hours before Wolf took the stage, Trump eviscerated Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., in front of the foam-mouthed crowd in Michigan, blaming Tester for the crash-and-burn nomination of White House physician Ronny Jackson to run the Department of Veterans Affairs.

“I know things about Tester that I could say,” the president threatened, “and if I said them, he’d never be elected again.”

Now, seriously, what’s more obscene to you: a sitting president abusing the authority of his high office by trash-talking a sitting Senator, or a sharp-tongued comedian waking up a comatose crowd with a couple of dirty jokes?

This is nothing new. Regarding the "grabbing" quote -- Billy Bush got FIRED for simply LISTENING to what Trump said, and Trump got elected.

This is ALL nothing new from the "family values crowd" who spent 8 years hurling racist "he can't possibly be American" B.S. at the first half-black President and demanding to see his birth certificate.

The entire Right has become overrun by extremism, hatred, White Supremacy, corporate shills, moneyed interests, Russia, and misogyny.

True Conservatives are, and should be, embarrassed by the ongoing collapse of the Republican party.

To the Trump supporter who flamed me for correcting a misconception about what Michelle Wolff said: You're right. She WAS disgusting when she mocked a disabled journalist, insulted Muslims, African Americans, Jews and a Gold Star family, called Mexicans "rapists," white supremacists "very fine people" and women pigs and disgusting animals. What was she thinking when she joked that she was planning to date a little girl in the audience 10 years later and bragged about barging into dressing rooms to spy on naked teenagers? And she even boasted about grabbing women by the p---y! Oh wait, that was YOUR guy, the president! Wolff was the comedian who said that SHS had "a perfect smoky eye" from burning facts.


The problem is they show their HYPOCRISY and DISHONESTY every day constantly for 2 decades and the media plays it like no one cares. Do people really now care, because all I see in my real life are people who care and are skeptical of Trump. I think the media is lying to us constantly. Everything has been taken over by corporate money, and it is most of the money out there.

There is a statistic that just the bonuses, not the salaries or commissions, of the Wall St. executives in 2013 were double what the all the people making minimum wage made in the entire year. America has never had to exist without some kind of slavery.

In Germany every company over 500 workers have to have 3/5's of their board of directors filled by workers in the firm. If they are over 2000 workers it is 4/5's. Plus they have labor union representation - free health care, free education, and a guaranteed job. What the FFFF is wrong with America?

I just cannot believe Americans are so stupid. Not the ones I know. So, my conclusion is that what we see in the media is a purposefully skewed and distorted view of the country. Like every time you see anyone from the Democratic party in TV or in an interview they are black, gay, women or some minority. They are deliberately programming white people to be scared and fearful of a just future. This is not nationalism, this is fascism, and it is paid for by the money that has been stolen from all of us out of taxes that the rest of us have to pay, while we are being lied to by our media and faltering educational system.
