Going to be HUGE!

just you wait!


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It's not nice to predict someone's weight gain.


I hope so. She sure has the looks.


Her neversaynever premiere pics are just pure perfection. I cant stop looking at her.



It's all about proportions, anyway!


Full ACK!


Well, we can all see that she's "on pace" to become an absolute stunner; however, you never can tell for sure in these cases. Remember Brooke Shields in Blue Lagoon? Let's be honest, Shields never really fulfilled the expectations in adulthood that her early teenage years foretold.

It's a critical age, and if Ella doesn't get the right amounts of the various natural female hormones, she could start to masculinize slightly, as Shields did. No, she'll never be ugly, but she might not develope into the total knockout that she could/should if things don't go right hormonally over the next 3-5 years.

I'm sure all of us have bumped into someone we knew in Junior High / Middle-School that we expected to be gorgeous, and were a little let down. Conversely, there are those who were only average in their youth whom we bump into later in life and say "wow, he/she really turned into a looker." I'm pulling for Ella though; it always seems like such a waste of potential when these things don't turn out.


I don't think that's what the OP meant. they probably meant she's going to be a successful actress lol...


I’m curious; Jeremy: how is your comment a “laugh out loud” moment. Really, I want to know. I’m calling you out. I am sick unto death of inarticulate assholes like you filling in the holes in their conversation with “lol.” I admit, it’s a cunt hair better than “just sayin,” but that is faint praise. Did it ever occur to you that you actually had nothing at all to say and you had no reason to post? Of course not! Because actual thoughts do not occur to folks who are like you, middle-management cogs of the future, working a union job in some podunk city hall and cheating on your wife with your “assistant.”


Still chewing out headstones, huh? Brilliant.
