MovieChat Forums > Amy Schumer Discussion > Amy Schumer or Sarah Silverman?

Amy Schumer or Sarah Silverman?

Which stand-up comedian do you like better?


Sarah was way better at writing and delivering jokes. Amy was hotter in her prime. Tough call...


I don't like either of their standup routines. Amy was great in the Comedy Central Roasts and does well in movies but her tv show sucked. Sarah's tv show was great! But Sarah lost her wry approach and it was replaced with rage comedy which is like political comedy (ie shitty humor substitute).

For looks they are both attractive and I say a tie.
For entertainment I have to give it to Schumer by a little.


I'd do both at the same time


Silverman is actually funny. He crank yankers stuff and Roast appearances were good. She doesn't rely solely on how sexually promiscuous of her body for her entire material. She also isnt a massive joke stealer.

Schumer is the exhibit A of amhow to cheat and fail your way to the top in America and its dead meritocracy. As long as your parents were rich and have influence
