MovieChat Forums > Greta Gerwig Discussion > Grewig trying to throw Woody Allen under...

Grewig trying to throw Woody Allen under the bus for attention ?

Today there was some interview where she bitched and moaned
about how she wishes she never worked for Woody Allen because
surprise of surprises she never knew or investigate the allegations
about Woody during his vicious split with Mia Farrow where she
accused him of molesting her daughter to which there was no
evidence after two investigations.

Meanwhile Farrow make a big stink every time Woody releases
a new movie. She told Woody that her son Ronin was his son,
when he is clearly Frank Sinatra's ... so Mia was two-timing Woody
and having babies with Sinatra.

Now that is an evil bitch who is done a great show screwing up
all her children, and tried endlessly to destroy Woody Allen as

And where does Greta Gerwig fit into all of this, and why after so
long would she go after Woody where they have been ZERO allegations
about child abuse or whatever? The big thing about all of these things
is that it has always been about multiple women complaining about
chronic behavior with these guys who have done this ... so where
are Woody's many accusers?

I spent many years not going to Woody Allen movies because I
believed these BS allegations until I actually read the full story and
saw over time that Woody Allen has no trail of harassing or sex
abuse. Now I feel bad, and I watch every movie he makes as
soon as it comes out.

Mia Farrow has something really deeply wrong with her, and her
children seem to have not escaped being scarred and disfigured
about it. I can only feel bad about Woody Allen.


Read this:

Allen's surely not above reproach.


I will repeat the comment I just wrote for the person below ...

You seem to think that not being 100% clean is the same as being dirty.
As I said above ... no one is above reproach, and no one is 100% clean, but Woody Allen is not pedophile nor a criminal. Lots of men dream about young women, it is a major common theme in movies and literature, as well as pornography too, but that does not make it OK to criminalize all men at all times. We all think about money too, but very of us are thieves. People who cannot understand the difference between Harvey Weinstein and Al Franken and others really need to think things out before they post such strong absolutists comments.


Neither Dylan nor Mia Farrow are criminals either, yet you seem clearly inclined to believe Allen over them. You even go out of your way to call Mia an 'evil bitch' despite the allegations regarding her being at least as unfounded as you make the ones regarding Allen out to be. Stop being biased if you actually believe what you just wrote.


i think Mia Farrow has a decades long unhealthy obsession with Woody Allen from jealousy and the fact that she is like the queen bee, the he is still relevant and she is a has been. She, like a lot of Hollywood mothers smother their children, and she turned them against Woody. She just seems like a really miserable person to me.


Woody Allen is far from being 100% clean, wich is what you seems to think.


You seem to think that not being 100% clean is the same as being dirty.
As I said above ... no one is above reproach, and no one is 100% clean, but Woody Allen is not pedophile nor a criminal. Lots of men dream about young women, it is a major common theme in movies and literature, as well as pornography too, but that does not make it OK to criminalize all men at all times. We all think about money too, but very of us are thieves. People who cannot understand the difference between Harvey Weinstein and Al Franken and others really need to think things out before they post such strong absolutists comments.


She actually said that she didnt regret to work for Woody Allen. Then they told her that she had to say something against Woody otherwise she should not have been nominated for the Oscars,so she said she regretted it.
