MovieChat Forums > Brit Marling Discussion > Pretentious, Oblivious, Ditzy

Pretentious, Oblivious, Ditzy

I happened to catch her on NPR, and it was just some of the most asinine, self-important drivel. You would think she was talking the challenges of raising a child in the slums of India, or fighting in a war. The program's hosted by two nit-wit butt-snorkelers who laugh along and offer the occasional pensive "hmmmm."

Marling: We would just do a take of a scene, and it would be so intense, and so overwhelming that I was just, like, I've got to go find a tea and a chocolate-something at craft-services 'cause it's hard to, um, it was a really hard shoot, a tough shoot and we used to look at the calendar at the days ahead and look for the "light" days where we could all just catch our breath, and there was just never a "light" day. [laughter]


Marling: But in terms of performing that was really hard. I mean at one point on set I broke my nose wrestling with the dog in chapter one.... and I had a flu on top of that, so all the things in the attic I would, like, have a flu and a broken nose and just do a monologue, and then I would, like, turn around, and just, like -- maybe this is too much for radio [laughs] -- and I would literally just turn around, and like, my nose would just drip into a bucket, and then I would, like, do another take... When you're in set life, it feels like you've gone to war together and it's all extreme and it all feels OK. And at the end of that experience you look back and say, "How did we survive that?" [laughs]

Dear Lord...

Then she talks about ow she wants to see the coral reefs before they disappear, and how she's a total "Tomboy." Maybe it just caught me in a mood, but everything about her became obscenely punchable. Here's a link to the interview:


She seems to be a young actress who is real need of a publicist and who should probably avoid interviews with more depth than a Jimmy Kimmel segment. By this I mean that it's clear that when she's expected to give more than vapid answers, she fails miserably and she needs to be coached in demonstrating "depth" without giving away too much about true self.

NPR isn't for amateurs; and it often proves tricky for seasoned pros.
SHe simply needs more experience with interviewing, IMO/

Bad films are a crime against humanity.


She's always touted as a substantive actor, but the transcript here suggests a brain made of cotton candy.


I don't have a clue as to what Brit is like in real life. As far as her acting, it's ok. She's done two films one thought very highly of - "Sound of My Voice" and "Another Earth". I'm pretty sure she wrote both of them. "Sound of My Voice" was particularly interesting because you literally had to figure it out for yourself. What happened is SOMV was planned to be a 3 parter (I think - this is all of the top of my head). Only one film was produced. So, when SOMV ends, it's up to you to figure out what happened. Then it becomes very interesting trying to make all the pieces fit.
