Dumped by Netflix!

An animated cartoon, exploring the lives of historic women, has been dumped by Netflix. The program, produced by Archewell, Meghan and Harry's production company, was axed by the streaming service after recent plummet of stock price.

Another sign that Megs and Harry are on the nose, and that the Netfix powers that be see her and Harry as a LOSING PROPOSITION.

I wouldn't be surprised if the relationship between the House of Archie and the House of Netflix will be severed completely!


Things aren't so great at Spotify either. Both companies are angry at the Dynamic Duo because they either produced very little, or nothing at all in the past 2 years after signing their contracts, with M using her fake miscarriage and second fake pregnancy as excuses to keep them off hers and H's backs. Now it's getting ugly, because neither one of them has experience in producing or film-making, and are desperately trying to scrape together material for both companies to use with them.


they're basically lazy slackers who think the world owes them a living.

In a year they'll be scrambling for new sources of income.

Megs and Harry might have to set up an 'only fans' site next!


Did you hear how they set up their "Archewell Charity" in Delaware? Every politician/rich elite asshole goes there because the state doesn't force you to set up strict rules on your charity at all. They have allowed people to basically scam an unsuspecting public into giving to charities that are actually a slush fund for the owners. 95% of what the charity earns goes towards the people running it, rather than the cause it's supposedly set up to help. Meaning, your money, should you choose to give it to one of these charities, has a 95% chance of landing in the pockets of the people who own it, rather than to the people you wanted to help. The Clinton Foundation's been doing that for decades, as have many other fake charities that were set up on the East Coast.

Since Megsy couldn't monetize her "royal-ness," after the Queen put the kaibosh on it, she had to take the sleazy, devious way into "earning" money instead. Disgusting.


sound about right.
