MovieChat Forums > Jordan Peele Discussion > The next M. Night Shyamalan?

The next M. Night Shyamalan?

His path is kind of eerily similar to that of M. Night's when he first broke on the scene. Like M. Night, Peele's breakout movie was a commercially and critically successful horror movie which he wrote and directed, that got nominated for an Oscar. They both had moderately successful follow ups deemed good by many but inferior to their breakout film. Now I see that Peele's latest offering from the trailer is a film dealing in aliens, like M. Night's Signs, also his third film since The Sixth Sense. I notice in the trailer that it puts particular emphasis on Jordan Peele being the director, in the way that M. Night's work isn't shy in reminding you that his films are written, produced, and directed by him.

Both look like they're primarily interested in the horror genre and both write and direct their own work. Even Us had a twist at the end that Shyamalan would have been proud of. Apart from the cameos M. Night makes in his own films, and the black casting from Peele, there are some good similarities between the two.

So should we expect Peele's films to get gradually worse and worse as well to the point of being ridiculously bad?


As a person who continued to like Shyamalan's work, and a person who didn't think highly of Us at all...nah, I'm not really making any comparisons or having any sort of expectations here.
