A Dark Day Indeed

I saw this in the newspaper I bought when I was grocery shopping today and I wanted to barf! Literally all the way home I tried to keep from heaving up.

I've seen Miss van Houten's interviews and according to her, Mrs. La Bianca was "probably dead" when I stabbed her repeatedly.

Well, she's an educated murdered. The California taxpayers footed the bill for her degree and her Master's degree. I'm thinking that I did it all wrong in my youth. Shoulda stabbed someone and gotten free college tuition instead of having to pay back student loans.

This infuriates me! I can only hope that she gets what's coming to her.


Psychopath should have been gassed half a century ago.


YES! The stupid California legislature ended the death penalty before this jolly Family could be gassed. I figure that they should've been happy with LIFE. Every day they got to breathe was a bonus.


Completely agree. She should have been taken out in a pine box like Atkins and Manson.


Get me started on Susan 'the butcher' Atkins! When she was dying from brain cancer (gosh I hope it hurt bad!), her family petitioned the court for a compassionate release. The NERVE!

You can't make this stuff up! If I was the judge I would've asked, "Ya mean like the "compassion" she showed a terrified and pleading for her baby's life, Sharon Tate?"


You guys deserve the hemorrhoids you're creating regarding this. She was in prison for what 53 years? They let murderers go scott free regularly but you've been programmed with this Manson crap. Go worry yourself into a conniption for our entertainment.


I'm glad for her. Mrs. Labianca was already killed by Tex Watson when Leslie stabbed her. She was likely already dead or just about dying. Who knows what Manson or his acolytes would do to Ms. Van Houten if she refused to stab Mrs. Labianca. She probably would've been killed or punished severely from them.

She's spent an awfully long time in prison when worse people with worse crimes have got out in way shorter time. She was in prison for that long due to political reasons due to her association with Manson.

It's a good business decision. Now the taxpayers don't have to foot for her incarceration anymore. Now Tex Watson and Patricia Krenwinkel I don't support their releases because they really were the active participants those nights.

--Michael D. Clarke


Well, I'm glad someone is glad over her release. But it's not me.

Yes, I agree that the Manson killers were imprisoned a lot longer than other savage murderers in part because of the notoriety of Manson and the Family. Worse killers have been released. But I don't agree with THEIR release either. We have a truly effed up legal systems that allows violent killers to go free.

Have you read some of John Douglas's writing. He was the creator of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit (the BAU). He and many law enforcement officials are severely critical of releasing violent criminals. Violent killers are often on their "best behavior" in the controlled, orderly environment of prison. That whole "good behavior" idea is nonsense when it comes to murderers.

So Mrs. La Bianca was "just about dying" so that makes it okay??? Take a moment to really think about the type of person, a young woman who had a nice middle class upbringing, who could be in the middle of all that carnage and act like it was no big deal! She plunged a knife deliberately into a helpless woman over a dozen times. She doesn't deserve to breathe free air ever again.

I have no sympathy for her being "forced" to do what she did because of a reprisal from Tex Watson. Who in hell goes along willingly on a night of killing? I've seen her interviews on TV and she has a calm, matter of fact, so what attitude and a smirky smile. She doesn't ever exhibit a moment of sorrow or regret.

If you're worried about a "business decision", then economically it would have been better for California to carry out their death sentences. But since they were commuted to life in prison, that's what they all should have gotten, LIFE! God knows they took enough lives.
