MovieChat Forums > Russell Brand Discussion > Anyone recall Amber Heard?

Anyone recall Amber Heard?

Come on, people. Do we learn nothing? I remember people wanting Depp’s head on a platter for months. No one could possibly believe a woman would lie about such things or make allegations only to get some hush money on the side.

I’m sure Brand has slept with an inordinate amount of women - he’s been pretty honest about that. And maybe we will find out some of these allegations are true - and maybe we will find out they’re not. But I have no reason to assume he’s guilty of a single thing before he’s proven of it.

His YouTube videos are actually interesting. He’s not like an Alex Jones who just screams “They turned the frogs gay!”. What he does is make you critically think about stories the MSM feeds you by simply questioning motives. He never says “Trump is bad because…” or “Vaccines are safe because…”. He cites actual public, published data and news articles that anyone can read or access. He (ironically) pushes the “think before you rush to judgment” type of content.

As far as his delivery of the content -
I don’t find his humor funny at all. To me he is decidedly un-funny and grating.


'Come on, people. Do we learn nothing? I remember people wanting Depp’s head on a platter for months. No one could possibly believe a woman would lie about such things or make allegations only to get some hush money on the side.'

I agree with your general point, but I guess the counter-argument would be that it would have been different if several woman had come forward with allegations about Depp.


Multiple unsubstantiated claims offer no more value than a single unsubstantiated claim. Remember that they tried that same trick with Trump in 2016.


If ten people tell a lie, it's still a lie. I have no problem with that. Any allegation should be thoroughly investigated and the case decided on the evidence, nothing more. But it's true that the more people who make similar claims against one individual the more likely it's thought by some that there's something to those claims.


What did we learn from the Heard vs Depp case? That Heard was also abusive back to Depp, who was himself abusive to her like she claimed?

Yeah maybe we should never trust women ever again because the abuse in the Heard and Depp relationship wasn't 100% one way traffic.

Nothing wrong with giving people the benefit of the doubt in the face of accusations, maybe Brand is innocent however that's not what some people are doing, they're going full tinfoil hat mode and claiming it's all a lie by the powers that be to silence poor Brand.


A 20 year old allegation by its very nature is insufficient as evidence of anything. And under Anglo-Saxon law a person is innocent until proven guilty. Since he can not be proven guilty, it follows that he is innocent under the law. The UK Regime has a history of persecution of people who speak out (see Julian Assange) so the suspicion this is a state sponsored attack is well founded.
