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Tucker Carlson Refuses to Apologize for ‘Naughty’ Past Comments About Statutory Rape, ‘C–ty’ Women

During call-in segments on “Bubba the Love Sponge Show” between 2006 and 2011, the future Fox News host said that women enjoy being told to “be quiet and kind of do what you’re told” suggested that statutory rape isn’t like “pulling a child from a bus stop and sexually assaulting” them and described Martha Stewart’s daughter, radio and TV personality Alexis Stewart, as “c–ty.”

A compilation of Carlson’s comments can be heard by clicking here:


Why would he? We all know liberals won't accept it. Apologizing to them is like sucking a cactus. They get even more authoritarian.


He know how to deal with the Social Justice Taliban. Never submit to Evil!

Tucker Carlson: 'We Will Never Bow to the Mob—Ever'

In his opening monologue Monday night, the Fox News host questioned the sincerity of the outraged misfits criticizing him.

"Maybe their moral puffery is a costume," Carlson speculated. "Maybe the whole conversation is an absurd joke. Maybe we're falling for it."

"You sometimes hear modern progressives described as 'new Puritans,'" Carlson continued. "That's a slur on colonial Americans. Whatever their flaws, the Puritans cared about the fate of the human soul and the moral regeneration of their society. Those are not topics that interest progressives. They're too busy pushing late-term abortion and cross-dressing on fifth graders. These are the people who write our movies and our sitcoms. They're not shocked by naughty words. They just pretend to be when it's useful."

Carlson explained what he thinks the left is really up to.

"The left's main goal -- in case you haven't noticed -- is controlling what you think. In order to do that, they have to control the information that you receive. Google and Facebook and Twitter are fully on board with that. They're happy to ban unapproved thoughts and they don't apologize for it," he pointed out.

Carlson claimed that "Tucker Carlson Tonight" has been under attack by forces on the left since it began, and now that it's out in the open, he signaled that he would soon be going on the offensive. "Going forward, we will be covering their efforts to make us be quiet," he said.

Tucker ended the segment with two thoughts for his audience: "Fox News is behind us" and "we will never bow to the mob. Ever. No matter what."


Media Matters Prez says "bad things" too. Bet the Lying MSM won't report this!

Media Matters President Wrote Blog Posts About ‘Japs,’ ‘Jewry’ And ‘Trannies’


He should join up with Russell Brand on Rumble or Russian TV!
