MovieChat Forums > Lauren Boebert Discussion > Let's be honest here.....

Let's be honest here.....

If AOC had done the same exact thing - from vaping when asked by a pregnant woman to quit and then insult the pregnant woman, be disrespectful to ushers, flip off ushers, play the "do you know who I am game," act like on cocaine, let her date play with her boobs and play with her dates crotch and all at a family event - then this would be all over the mainstream news and blarred 24/7 on conservative media and EVERY single Republican would also be demanding she resigns as well.

This woman is the exact reason why I despise about the "family values" crowd - the loudest proponents of such things are always those that are the phoniest when it comes to living what they preach - and conservatives always refuse to hold their feet to the fire - largely, because so many of them behave the same way (you know, "do as I say, not as I do.").


Republicans are hypocrites? YOU DON'T SAY.


Colorado has one of the highest crime rate of any state. That didn't happen till the democrats started messing with the place.


Just what is so great about you MAGA people - never able to discuss the topic at hand by use of idiotic deflection. Go troll some other thread.


You're confused. If this had happened to AOC, the MSM would have squashed it.


Not likely......just look at the stuff on her the MSM has broadcast.

What people miss is that here is a person (and type) that expresses a specific type of political philosophy and then clearly behaves otherwise, as so many of the "family values" crowd does.

Now, compare that to other people doing the same thing with their own political philosophy - imagine if people like Jimmy Carter, Al Franken (oh, wait, we've already seen the Franken treatment to his comedian days), or any other politician who claims to be prejudice-free or morally decent were caught on a hot mike using the vilest of racial stereotypes or expressing other values contrary to their publicized and promoted philosphies..


MSM adores AOC.
