MovieChat Forums > Rachel Zegler Discussion > Just shut the f___ up young lady

Just shut the f___ up young lady

Everytime you open your mouth to talk trash about the original Snow White story you're only making people NOT watch your damn movie, so please stop talking


These mystery meat people all show their true colors and mission in life. To shit up and shit on everything. That's their sole purpose. "Original Snow White sucked! Here I come to shit all over it's legacy!"


She's hurting her own career too, she's not even a bankable star yet. All the films she's been where going to be hits with or without her. It's only now where she's getting to lead films and try to cement herself as a top star. And she's doing herself and the films she's in no favours by coming across like annoying brat. No one from the public to the studios to filmmakers will want to cast her or be turned off seen her in big roles.


Shhh. Never interrupt an obnoxious twat when they’re nuking their own career.
