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SNL Cold Open Mocks Lindsey Graham, Tim Scott And Other GOP Senators’ Humiliating Devotion To Donald Trump

The skit had Lindsey Graham (James Austin Johnson), Tim Scott (Devon Walker), James Risch (Mikey Day) and Marco Rubio (Marcello Hernández) sharing a table at a hotel restaurant, munching on tater tots and pigs in a blanket.

“You know he once doxxed me, back in 2015,” Graham said. “They gave out my personal cell phone number in a speech to all his supporters. Had thousands of people call me up to yell at me. They threatened my life. Had to get a new phone. Switched to Verizon.”

Then, Graham said, “But you know what? I still think he’s the greatest president since Reagan.”

Others then chime in that Trump is “greater than Reagan.” “He’s greater than Lincoln,” Scott says.

The skit came just hours after the real Graham was booed at Trump’s South Carolina victory event. It came after Trump, calling on Graham to give remarks at the rally, said that the senator was “a little bit further left than some people on this stage.” Graham went on to praise Trump, calling him the “most qualified man to be president of the United States.”

In the skit, Risch said, “I’ve never really talked about this, but one of the January 6th tourists pooped on the floor in my office. Trashed my desk. Took a big old deuce right on the floor. That’s not Trump’s fault. And sure Trump called the guy who did it an innocent patriot. But he didn’t actually do it. So we all agree Trump is great, right?”


I thought it was a pretty sad cold open. Shoulda opened with the star. I wish Lorne had done some kind of bickering with Shane about how awkward the situation they had been in with the firing. Shane was great all things considered, but the program sucks and under utilized his presence.


So SNL made a skit about Trump's sneakers and I think they were trying to make fun of Trump but I think it just made him look all the more awesome by the end.
