MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Conservatives are so cute

Conservatives are so cute

They spent the entire Trump administration lambasting and ridiculing lefties for saying "he's not my president" and acting like it was the funniest thing ever. Guess what those same conservatives are doing now? Saying "Biden's not my president!" The lack of awareness is hysterical. Please, dear right-wingers, keep up the hypocrisy. It's making us look so good.


So you're proud of making the same criticism you made fun of in the same paragraph? Talk about a hypocrite. LOL Yes. Laughing AT you.


LOL, you think you got this really the standard conservatives have set up for themselves? Try again.


Oh no not hypocrisy! Just imagine if leftists were being hypocrites... oh wait a minute we don't have to imagine because leftists are hypocrites constantly and overtly. And now you think calling your political opposition hypocrites is valid? LMAO anyway moving on Trump 2024 MAGA
