MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > John McCain is responsible for both of t...

John McCain is responsible for both of the biggest hoaxes of our time

He was instrumental in the WMDs in Iraq lie, and he was instrumental in the Trump is a Russian agent lie.

He, not Trump, was the one who colluded with a foreign government, to come up with that pissgate dossier.

John McCain wanted to bomb Iran. That's his legacy. Nobody liked him. If you say you do, you're lying. You would have died in one of his wars. He supported all of them.


I hope you voted Obama in 08 ctwdidswej. You'd be a hypocrite if you hadn't.


He was a total disgrace to the USA. Real loser! Rest in piss McCain!


He was responsible for burning up an aircraft carrier and 167 soldiers deaths with his "wet start" shenanigans.

Trump is correct, he was not a "war hero".


McCain was a scumbag.


Stop with the politics here. This is a movie forum.
