MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Andrew Yang comes out against circumcisi...

Andrew Yang comes out against circumcision

Trump would never do that. Hillary actually came out in favor of circumcision and gave pro-circumcision speeches at scientific conferences. Did she have Chelsea circumcised? Heck no! Hillary secretly knows circumcision is bad. She wants to destroy America. The liberal game plan is always one rule you and another for them. No guns, no walls, but lots of private security and gated communities.

Circumcision is one of the issues that led me to start questioning scientific consensus. It's such an obvious lie yet all the scientific authorities support it.


Wow your first post. And you chose this site to share your first post. Welcome to the forum new sock puppet! You sound very much like another poster whos been missing.



Yep that darned Jewish cabal that is omnipotent and controls all! Oogie Boogie!!

Yet you support trump who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and has his Jewish son in law making foreign policy decision.

The cognitive dissonance is strong!


It appears Yang doesn't know much about circumcision at all. It's done on all newborn baby boys in industrialized countries for sanitation and health reasons; and for Jewish baby boys, it's done a week after birth in a religious ceremony (with a physician involved) called a "Briss."

I suspect this guy will be one of the first to get knocked out of the competition starting later this year.


The newest Antisemitic sock of the cowardly Thrillmouse.
