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Group touted by Dems for "bombshell report" about Russia report behind Alabama Senate race tricks

This is 100% the reason why I cannot believe "muh Russian hacking" claims from the DNC. There's a reason they never gave up their server.

A cybersecurity company that participated in a disinformation campaign against a Republican candidate in the Alabama Senate race reportedly penned a Senate report touted as a “bombshell” about Russian social media operations in the 2016 presidential election.

New Knowledge, a leading firm on Russia related cyber issues, was one of the two firms whose report on Russian activities during the presidential election was published by the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this month.

Poor Roy Moore. According to Democrats, this should lead to countless investigations and arrests. But of course Democrats have immunity from laws. In fact if I were Trump I'd open a special investigation right now.

And look, ACTUAL election rigging: "According to BuzzFeed, Dickerson and Sara Hudson, a former Department of Justice employee who went on to work for another firm funded by Hoffman, spoke at a private meeting in September where they said their secret project managed to suppress Republican votes, energize Democratic voters and plant a “false flag” against the Republican campaign."


Fake news.

New Knowledge had nothing to do with disseminating the DNC hacks. Their speciality is "protecting corporations from covert, coordinated disinformation".

The cybersecurity firms involved with diagnosing and publishing the forensics behind the DNC hacks specialize in intrusion detection, diagnosing malware, and shoring up corporate systems and networks from being penetrated and exploited.

You're talking about two entirely different fields of specialization in cybersecurity. I already explained to you why they didn't turn over the servers, because all that mattered was the images of the servers which they did turn over. The servers themselves would have been given back and put back into production so it wouldn't have done the FBI one bit of good. This is standard protocol. Stop trying to ascribe to malfeasance what can be entirely explained by your stupidity and ignorance of the field. You sound as dumb as MSM.


New Knowledge had nothing to do with disseminating the DNC hacks. Their speciality is "protecting corporations from covert, coordinated disinformation".

I never said that. I Was pointing out how it was used for evidence about social media. And Democrats said this was huge:

Mark Warner, Senator-VA: "Incredible. These bombshell reports demonstrate just how far Russia went to exploit the fault lines of our society and divide Americans, in an attempt to undermine and manipulate our democracy. Here's what we’ve learned:"

Also it's hilarious that they're saying that becuse Russia favored Trump, that therefore they influenced everyone. First of all, Putin outright supported Obama in 2012 and even said so. Second of all, Russia trolling does not equal "influencing our elections" (whatever that means). Third of all, more foreign countries supported Hillary than Trump. We had former Mexican Presidents bashing Trump; the UK literally debated about banning Trump from the country; Justin Trudeau would frequently insult Trump; etc. etc.

You're talking about two entirely different fields of specialization in cybersecurity.

nah, they're all the same - they work for the Deep State. The Democrats thought they were reliable enough to make a report.


God you're so unbelievably fucking stupid.

These are private companies you're talking about. They literally by definition cannot be "deep state". Get your conspiratorial terms right if you want to be taken seriously you baboon.

And yes, that's exactly what you said. You were trying to to point to New Knowledge as a way of discrediting DNC hacks. Like I pointed out, your reasoning is flawed to the hilt.

"The Republicans thought they were reliable enough to make a report."

There, I fixed it for you. Congress is controlled by Republicans dipshit. The Senate Intel committee is controlled by the Republican majority.




Indeed. He's definitely a fluent liar which is easy to confuse with stupidity. A lot like Thrillhouse, but much more persistent.
