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Dershowitz: Mueller report will be "devastating" for T-rump

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, “I think the report is going to be devastating to the president and I know that the president's team is already working on a response to the report.” Dershowitz is one of T-rump's outspoken defenders on most news shows.

Dershowitz held back on saying it will lead to criminal charges for the President.

“When I say devastating, I mean it's going to paint a picture that's going to be politically very devastating. I still don't think it's going to make a criminal case,” Dershowitz said.

His comments come just days after his attorneys was revealed T-rump handed in his written answers to questions from Mueller in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.


Too bad Whitaker is giving him the heads up so he's been able to prepare his defense in advanced.


I agree. Yet even with the heads-up, I don't think T-rump will escape. He's way too stupid and bound to perjure himself.


Sadly, it probably won't get him unseated as president but it sounds promising that it will be enough to cause him to likely lose the re-election bid in 2020.

Going by the midterms, the tide has definitely been turning against Trump. The midterms weren't another landslide for Trump. Add PROOF of CRIMES to that mix and you have a 2020 election upset for ol' Cheeto McTweeto.


If there's evidence of Obstruction of Justice, that will get him unseated - just like it did Nixon. And I'm sure there's more than enough evidence of that.


Well, that depends. As eYeDEF and a couple others pointed out before, times have changed since Nixon and Trump actually has a more powerful font of support willing to stand with him. It SHOULD get him unseated and I hope it does, but after that Kavenaugh fiasco and the COMPLETE AND UTTER INACTION when he threw our intelligence agencies under the bus at the Russian summit, I fear that Trump may yet get away with a few things.
