MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > We have a sexual assaulter of women for ...

We have a sexual assaulter of women for president.

You do realize that, don't you?

Of course I expect the Trumptards with lame attempts to deflect this.
How can one doubt that he did sexual assault against women after bragging about how he grabs them by the pussy?
For those that do, that's like doubting that a serial killer did it even if he confesses that he did.
Why give one a break and not the other?

This is just a small sample of the sexual assaults Trump is reported of doing.

Go to the link to read more of what the pervert has done.

An Exhaustive List of the Allegations Women Have Made Against Donald Trump

Kissing a Former Miss USA Contestant Twice Without Consent

Former Miss USA contestant Temple Taggart McDowell claims Trump kissed her on the lips on at least two occasions without consent when she was just 21 years old.

Groping a Woman Sitting Next to Him on a Plane

In a New York Times report published October 12, Trump was accused of fondling the breasts of Jessica Leeds when she was 38 years old.

...he also attempted to reach under her skirt during the flight. She called the incident “an assault.”

Walking in on Teen Pageant Contestants While They Were Changing

Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant have accused Trump of walking into their dressing room while the contestants were changing, BuzzFeed News reported. Mariah Billado, a former Miss Vermont Teen USA, told BuzzFeed News that the contestants (who ranged in age from 14 to 19) were “just scrambling” to grab whatever garments they had when he walked in. She said, “I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here.’” Trump reportedly said something along the lines of, “Don’t worry, I’ve seen it all before.”

And he also has raped his then wife Ivanna:

Ivana Trump’s assertion of “rape” came in a deposition—part of the early ’90s divorce case between the Trumps, and revealed in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump.
The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.
“Your *beep* doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.
What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.
“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”
Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.
“As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’” Hurt writes.

Trump lies:
Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
I can stop federal funds.


Sadly none of is his followers care. I assume because they don't care if women are assaulted.


Sadly all of his accusers disappeared like a fart in the wind after he won the election.
And the fact that they waited years, until the end of his campaign, to come forward is very telling.

Of course liberals still have their sexyal assaulter Bill Clinton to look up to.
He was actually taken to court and settled. Lol


Sadly all of his accusers disappeared like a fart in the wind after he won the election.

This is from Jan 21, 2017

Trump lies:
Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
I can stop federal funds.


Can you name one president that was able to keep EVERY campaign promise, since you want to lean on that as a lie? I remember Obama making many promises about Obamacare that didn't play out as he said it would. That must be considered a lie too,right?


"Of course liberals still have their sexual assaulter Bill Clinton to look up to.

He was actually taken to court and settled. Lol "

I was thinking the same thing. Suddenly liberals are outraged about inappropriate behavior when they were silent under Clinton (about whom the accusations were far more credible and even more abhorrent).

It's the same with over 434,000 illegal aliens being deported in one year under Obama. Not a peep from liberals when that happened! The left wing media was as silent as outer space. Now that Trump is president, suddenly they are outraged.

If so many liberals were not complete hypocrites, I could take their "outrage" seriously.


If so many liberals were not complete hypocrites, I could take their "outrage" seriously.

It is true that liberals are not somehow magically exempt from engaging in the same kinds of misogyny and rape apology that is prevalent throughout all of society.

However, a lot of awareness can be brought about in the almost 25 years between that election and this.

There should be no condition upon which one witholds their "outrage" at listening to a presidential candidate call women "pigs" and "dogs" and "too ugly to rape" (rape is not a compliment, by the way), and brag about using their "celebrity" as leverage in getting away with sexual crimes.

This is not a political football, and everyone needs to do a bit more growing up.

**Have an A1 day**


Suddenly liberals are outraged about inappropriate behavior when they were silent under Clinton

Were you silent, too?

Were any of you?


Everyone, please stop holding this issue hostage to your politics.
It's not helping at all.

**Have an A1 day**


"This is not a political football, and everyone needs to do a bit more growing up. "

Yes, it shouldn't be. But it is in D.C. That's the environment of our government (and the media), and it has been that way for some time. Everything is a political football in our government. Everything is about power and winning. It's become purely Machiavellian--whatever works. Integrity, honesty, honor? Such things would probably be a hindrance to a career in the federal government, hence why the dregs seem to rise to the top.

And that's why people are disgusted with our government and feel like vomiting whenever our politicians speak and act all outraged.

That's probably also why Trump got elected. Even if he is a "monster" (by this, I simply mean a person who isn't morally impressive), at least, to many, he is the "enemy of my enemy" (the latter enemy being the government establishment). Lot of people want a bit of a shakedown in government. Not another ideologue, so in love with his/her ideology and out-of-touch with most of the rest of the nation.


"Were you silent, too?

Were any of you? "

No, I've always been pretty much disgusted with government. But I'm no activist either, marching around with a sign. I think that's pointless. I believe if you want to lead and change the world, you can only do so by example.

However, I also believe that in most cases, even if you set an example worth following, you probably won't be followed. People will ever selfishly flock to those who will give them what they want and turn a blind eye to their faults.
