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Kristen is #47 on the IMDb Starmeter this week (4/18/22) Updated Post

Edited: It's been nearly a decade since the final installment of Twilight was released in theaters and yet she still remains immensely popular till today. Of course, being nominated for her performance as Princess Diana in the film Spencer has a lot to do with this:

Being that many of Kristen's fans here on MovieChat once frequented the now defunct IMDb message boards, I thought it apropos to also mention that more IMDb members voted for Kristen in the Best Actress Oscar category than any other actress on the IMDb 2022 Oscar Ballot, showing that a large chunk of moviegoers believe Kristen was most deserving of the golden statuette.


Yeah, interesting to see her still doing ok on the meters given that she's been less in the news with movies for a while, during the pandemic actually.


While some may regard posting her IMDb ranking as trivial, for me it's a pretty big deal to be ranked in the top 100 every year for the past 13 years, with the thousands of actors working in Hollywood today and during the pandemic as you mentioned, which is a testament to her willpower to never give up acting no matter how difficult if gets.

And one would think that critically acclaimed actresses would be ranked pretty high--which is certainly not the case for many of them. Case in point: Frances McDormand, Viola Davis, Glenn Close, Amanda Seyfried, Maria Bakalova, and Olivia Coleman, all of whom are up for Oscar nominations this year, are ranked way lower on the IMDb Starmeter.

Heck, 4-time Academy Award nominated actress Jennifer Lawrence has been hoovering around 5,000 on the Starmeter, despite her recently completing filming on one of the most anticipated movies of 2021, Don't Look Up, where she costars with Leonardo DiCaprio--a film with an all-star cast which also includes Cate Blanchett, Meryl Streep, Mark Rylance, Jonah Hill, Timothee Chalamet, Ariana Grande, Tyler Perry, Gina Gershon and Ron Perlman.

Of course, to be fair, I should mention a couple of well deserving actresses who are ranked higher on the Starmeter this week than Kristen are:

Carey Mulligan at #30 on the IMDb Starmeter. In my opinion, she churned out the best performance of her career and of any actress in 2020 for her role as Casandra in Promising Young Woman. While I knew she was a good actress before watching this, as evidenced by her 5 Oscar nominations, I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised by the range she exhibited in this film.

Vanesa King at #48 on the IMDb Starmeter. While her performance in her role as Princess Margaret in the Netflix series "The Crown", put her on the map, the performance that should take her to the next level, with regard to Hollywood stardom, is her Oscar nominated performance in "Pieces of a Woman".


I believe that last week's spike in Kristen's IMDb Starmeter rating was a direct result of the release of the following photo of Kristen as Princess Diana ...

I use Yahoo as my homepage, and every time I sat down at my computer, I would see links to magazine sites like Entertainment Weekly, People, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, etc., etc., etc., showing that photo. I think that this resulted in many people visiting Kristen's IMDb page to check out what Spencer was about and when it was scheduled to be released.

I must add that that is one extraordinary photograph.

Edit: Oh yeah, I must also add that I usually visit Kristen's IMDb page more than once a day to see if there's any new additions to the Related News section on the right hand side of Kristen's IMDb page.


Agreed CK. Every time I see that photo I have to think twice that it looks so much like Diana.


As of March 2021, Yahoo! has 1.48% of the internet search engine market share worldwide, while Google absolutely dominates this space with 92.41%. Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day. The two actresses who have been trending the most on Google over the past week are Brie Larson and Amanda Seyfried. Larson is currently ranked #96 on the IMDb Starmeter while Seyfried has been hoovering around the top 500. Go figure.

Anyhow, thanks Carved for posting that photo showing that she is definitely becoming Princess Diana--well at least in the looks department.


LL, the insight into the ratings you post makes it all the more significant as to what the ratings show. So many good, big name actors aren't in the top 100 consistently or not for a long time running, including many bigger names.


“for me it's a pretty big deal to be ranked in the top 100 every year for the past 13 years“

How do you know this? is there a way to see this data?


As I understand it the starmeter is driven by the number of times her page is visited in IMDb. I've done this several times recently mainly out of curiosity prompted by the constant negative posting to moviechat. So this is actually an example of no publicity is bad publicity - which is a little bit amusing and probably not what the trolls intended.


In hindsight, MovieChat is clearly the forum that replaced the now defunct IMDb message boards, so naturally, MovieChat users like you and I often gravitate to IMDb--although I must admit that when IMDb first shut down their boards, I felt like boycotting them entirely.

Reading your comment reminded me of an article I read a while back from Wired magazine entitled "How MovieChat dethroned IMDb as the go-to place to talk TV and films"
Here are some of my fave excerpts from the article:

When IMDb announced it was closing its message boards in 2017, Jim Smith raced to save them by starting MovieChat. But he and his team of moderators are constantly battling to keep the forums clean

Like many spaces on the internet, the IMDb message boards were plagued by racism, sexism and trolls. Yet despite the bad actors on some forums, the loss of the boards was perceived as a tragic moment in internet history.

Smith believes MovieChat’s boards are now cleaner than IMDb’s, although he admits that it “hasn’t been easy”.

“Movies, TV shows, celebrities and entertainment in general are notoriously difficult topics to moderate,” he says. “These mediums touch upon so many divisive issues in our society and spur contentious debate. That’s what movies are designed to do: make us think, make us question, make us emotional.”

Users are banned from trolling, flaming, spamming, unsolicited advertising, hacking and impersonation, and are prohibited from sharing porn, threats, hate speech, malware and excessive profanity. An offending user first receives a warning and later may be temporarily or permanently banned from the site.

When asked about the worst offender in the site’s history, Smith recalls a troll from the forum’s early days. “We had an abusive user that continually harassed other users and spammed the site for a period of several months,” he says. “This user went through popular movies with female leads and left sexist remarks about the actresses. They went through movies that championed LGBT rights and made explicit homophobic and transphobic comments.

Still, it would be unusual for to be free of sexism when both the internet and world at large continue to be plagued by misogynists.

So while actresses like Kristen still get their share of trolls here on MovieChat, this is nothing compared to the mind-numbing onslaught of trolling and spamming which occurred on the former IMDb message boards. A case in point is that when Kristen's Twilight films were still in theaters, trolls and spammers came out in force to hijack all of her Twilight message board threads, while some of them knew more about Kristen's films and private life than many of her fans.

And the irony, like you mentioned, was their efforts to shut down conversations about Kristen, backfired, as it helped make her immensely popular.


When IMDb closed the boards I avoided it for a while and still will not add updates or corrections. It's unfortunate that Moviechat often feels like it's going the same way and most of the posts have nothing to do with Movies (perhaps like this one?).


So while actresses like Kristen still get their share of trolls here on MovieChat, this is nothing compared to the mind-numbing onslaught of trolling and spamming which occurred on the former IMDb message boards. A case in point is that when Kristen's Twilight films were still in theaters, trolls and spammers came out in force to hijack all of her Twilight message board threads, while some of them knew more about Kristen's films and private life than many of her fans.

Oh yeah, IMDB boards became really nasty, for many actors. This board has been a nice change. A bit of nastiness, not bad, but a much cleaner place to interact and post.


For me, I loved going to Kristen's IMDb message board because of all the regulars we had. In addition, it felt like the trolls and spammers were never there. Of course, that's probably because I had something like 40,000 a-holes on my IGNORE list. ;-)

Also, looking at how I ended the above paragraph, another thing I really miss from the IMDb boards are the emoticons.
I always enjoyed using them.


For me, I loved going to Kristen's IMDb message board because of all the regulars we had.

I sure miss the conversations I've had with board regulars such as CoriJohn, Tigerlily, mmitchell, Drunken_Cowboy, Recessionista, Ctk80, Soileddove, Mariahossain, Caroba, endiadj, mwicksted, danpivalwil, YoungWillyMcBride, WilsonMorales, and Austin Yearwood, to mention just a few. Heck, it was even fun trading barbs with troll regs like JerrelleJames, Kurt-2000 and dshayder who knew Kristen better than many of her fans, like I mentioned earlier.


Drunken_Cowboy was always good for a laugh, and I always enjoyed my conversations with fellow Springsteen fan, Recessionista.
And let me add one more, namely, noandree. I loved that she went to where Welcome To the Rileys was filming in New Orleans, actually got to meet Kristen (she was invited into Kristen's trailer) and then shared her photos of said encounter.

Meanwhile, although I have burned hundreds of CDs over the years, I had never burned a DVD, until yesterday that is.
I've always wanted to have Cutlass on DVD, so now I've got it.
And because it seemed like a waste to use a two hour DVD for one fifteen minute short film, I also included 29 music videos which, like Cutlass, I had downloaded from YouTube.

While I'm not going to list all 29 music videos, I shall list three of them since those three have Kristen in them.
Obviously, track 1 on the DVD is Cutlass. The other three are ...
. 2) The Wailin' Jennys: Begin -
15) Nada Surf: Concrete Bed -
30) The Rolling Stones: Ride 'Em On Down -

Ending the DVD with Kristen riding around in that Stones video seemed like the perfect way to close it since the DVD opens with Kristen's character wanting to buy that Olds Cutlass.

Some of the other videos include five songs from various Springsteen concerts (I was at two of them), Melissa Etheridge & Bruce singing Thunder Road from her Unplugged show, and the closing scene from the film, Light of Day, where Joan Jett, who starred in the film, sings Springsteen's Light of Day along with Michael J. Fox, who played her brother.

Oh how I wish I could have seen Kristen singing Light of Day in The Runaways, but the filming of LoD and Joan's recording of that song occurred a few years after the timeline of The Runaways ended.


Both of you bring back to me memories of people on the boards. I recognize most of those names! We had a lot of conversations there.


The feelings of nostalgia continue to flow freely as coronavirus has contributed to the closing of many of my favorite store chains, restaurants and movie theaters, which are now relics of the past. Even prior to the pandemic, my fave places to visit and peruse items such as Blockbuster Video, Tower Records, Borders, Game Stop, Sharper Image, JC Penny, KB Toys, to mention just a few places, were already struggling financially and went under here in Hawaii. It wasn't so much the store itself that I missed, but the conversations and association I had with family, friends and strangers who frequented these establishments. Makes me wonder how things will be like 10, 20 and 30 years from now.


LL, I sympathize with you. We've lost so much and it's going to be rough for many to change with how things will be as we come out of the pandemic. We aren't even out of it yet but all are hoping that the return to some normalcy is closer. I'm waiting to see how many local stores and shops made it through or have just closed down.


How could I have forgotten about noandree. Wasn't she a New Orleans Saints fan who used to refer to them as the Aints back in the day? And I didn't know Recessionista was also a fan of The Boss. In my opinion, she was one of the most knowledgeable regs on Kristen's former IMDb board, who followed both her film career along with her private goings-on.

Speaking of the Wailin' Jennys: Begin music video, before I clicked on it I assumed it was an official video from this group. As it turns out, it was fan made--yet the collection of great still photos from The Cake Eaters was quite impressive.

Can't believe The Rolling Stones music video which Kristen starred in has nearly 36 million views and 475K likes.


Bumping this thread as I updated Kristen's current ranking on the IMDb Starmeter.


#64 is pretty high up there, and I'm sure her Oscar nom is some of the reason. Plus the great praise and positive critiques for her portrayal of Princess Diana of course. Thanks for the update.

I'm seeing a lot of articles about her lately, some with her outfits for the Oscars and recent events, and also about her and her fiancé.


Kristen moved up again, to #47 for the week starting 4/18/22, Ron. The Crimes of the Future teaser trailer coming out a little over a week ago may have also had a part in this:


I don't think I was aware of this film. Looks like quite a creepy thriller with Viggo Mortensen! Thanks for posting that reminder.


Agreed that it surely has body horror vibes to it, the sub-genre which David Cronenberg helped originate and made him famous for. I only wished it had more than just a couple seconds of Kristen in it--but then again it's only a teaser.


Crimes of the Future will premiere in May at this year's Cannes Film Festival and then open to the public in June.

Like the oracle he is, Canadian filmmaker David Cronenberg told us months ago that his next film, Crimes of the Future, his first film since 2014's Map To the Stars, would likely premiere at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival and surely enough, early this morning, the film was announced as part of the Cannes Competition Official Selection.

Crimes of the Future definitely sounds like it will be a wild ride with plenty of gore.
Crimes of the Future - First Reaction to David Cronenberg's New Movie Promises Something Special
by John Squires

David Cronenberg (Scanners, Videodrome, The Dead Zone, The Fly, A History of Violence) is on his way back into our lives with a new sci-fi/horror project titled Crimes of the Future with the cast including Kristen Stewart and Viggo Mortensen. It's expected to be a wild one, certainly if this first reaction is any indication.

World of Reel reports that Crimes of the Future has begun to screen for international programmers ahead of a festival debut, likely at Cannes, but that hasn't yet been confirmed. [Note - yes, it has.]

An anonymous person reportedly told this site, "I cannot say much, obviously, but if people thought 'Crash' was divisive back in 1996, this is going to create way more chaos and controversy for sure. The last twenty minutes are a very tough sit. I expect walk-outs, faintings and real panic attacks (I almost had one myself!) at the Luminere theatre. No hyperbole, I promise."

That is quite a statement. However, in all honesty, I half-expect that this so-called anonymous quote came from someone in the publicity department at Neon, the distributor of the film, in an effort to raise expectations of the film.

In other news, Kristen has just been cast in a new project titled Love Lies Bleeding.
On the heels of her first Oscar nomination for Spencer, Kristen Stewart his signed on to star in the A24 film,
Love Lies Bleeding, from director Rose Glass (Saint Maud), Deadline has confirmed.

The romantic thriller examines a romance fueled by ego, desire and the American dream. Glass is directing from the script she co-wrote with Weronica Tofilska.


Thanks for updating us on all the great news, Carved. Even after receiving her first Oscar nomination, Kristen doesn't appear at all to be resting on her laurels as she continues to solidify herself as the de facto Queen of Cannes, as Crimes of the Future will be in competition for the Paleme d'Or. I'm guessing what that anonymous quote is referring to when it speaks of this film being extremely divisive and controversial will be with regards to transhumanism, pertaining to those who embrace it and those who oppose or even flat-out object to it. As far as being cast in Love Lies Bleeding, I've said for quite time that Kristen is the perfect actress of her generation to star in a romantic thriller just as her predecessors were: Julia Roberts in Sleeping with the Enemy, Diane Lane in Unfaithful, Kim Novak in Vertigo, Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction, Faye Dunaway in Chinatown, Kathleen Turner in Body Heat, Madeleine Stowe in Blink, Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, Isabella Rossellini in Blue Velvet, and since we're discussing Cronenberg, Holly Hunter in Crash.


In news regarding Love Lies Bleeding, I see that IMDb has just changed the status of the project from
Pre-production to Filming.
This caught me by surprise.

In other news, I must confess that I did not go see Crimes of the Future on the big silver screen.
I do however plan to purchase the Blu-ray of the film when it gets released.
Has anyone else seen it, and if so, what did you think of the film?

EDIT: Today it was announced that Crimes of the Future will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on August 9th.


I also haven't seen Crimes of the Future and will see it when it comes out to Cable. I


I wasn't able to watch Crimes of the Future in the theater either, Carved and Ron, so I decided to stream it. While I wanted to write a review, I thought it best to let Kristen's acting do the talking. So without further ado, I present to you my latest Kristen Stewart video edit:

Very strange movie indeed, yet Kristen appeared very comfortable in her acting skin, churning out a pretty impressive portrayal of her character Timlin in Cronenberg's latest body horror flick.


Just saw your video, LL, and I must say that even that was a tough watch. Body horror, indeed.

Fortunately, the next video that popped up was your most recent Cake Eaters video where you incorporated two songs -- Change My Needs by Scars on 45 for the first half of the film and Begin by The Wailin' Jennys for the second half.
That definitely put me in a much better mood.

And now, I do believe that I shall watch my Blu-ray of Equals, Kristen's earlier film about an alternate reality in some near-future time.


Agreed CK, that is a difficult video, gory stuff. Odd choice of a movie story line, I'd say.

LL or CK, Is Cronenberg known for these kinds of films?


Indeed Ron, as from Shivers, to Rabid, to The Fly, to eXistenZ to Crimes of the Future, Cronenberg has become synonymous with the body horror subgenre. And it's not that he isn't also a master of psychological horror as well as evidenced in his other films such as Scanners, Dead Ringers, The Brood, Spider and Videodrome. He adds a transhumanist twist to his latest vision of the transformation of the human body.


Currently, I only own one David Cronenberg directed film on either DVD or Blu-ray.
That film is The Dead Zone (1983), which in my opinion is one of the best adaptations of a Stephen King book in the horror genre.

Interestingly, as far as I'm concerned, the best Stephen King films are not in the horror genre. In fact, they come from the same book! Yup, I'm talking about Different Seasons, which is a collection of four novellas. The film Stand By Me came from 'The Body' and the film The Shawshank Redemption came from 'Rita Hayworth and The Shawshank Redemption'. Both are excellent films.

Crimes of the Future will be the second David Cronenberg directed film that I will own when it gets released on DVD and Blu-ray on August 9th.


The Shawshank Redemption is definitely my fave Stephen King adaptation. The Green Mile, Stand by Me and The Shining rank pretty high on my list as well. Other noteworthy films based on Stephen King books include Misery, It, Hearts in Atlantis, Dolores Claiborne, Secret Window, The Dead Zone and The Mist.


Interesting, I'll have to keep a lookout for other Cronenberg films.

I've come to really like most anything that M. Night Shyamalan does! Like The Village, The Visit, Lady in the Water, After Earth, Signs. I recently saw the movie "Old" which was quite a unique story! M. Night is sometimes in his movies, I think usually as a minor character such as the Park Ranger manager in "The Village". In Old was one of the more main characters.


In addition to the films you mentioned, I also enjoyed watching The Sixth Sense, Split and Unbreakable. One thing M. Night Shyamalan should get credit for is that he's an independent filmmaker with universal mainstream appeal as evidenced by his original movies grossing over $3.3 billion worldwide.


Right LL, I'm always happy when I unexpectedly start watching a movie and realize it's one of his films! He was also in Signs which I didn't realize the first time I saw the film. I wasn't really that familiar with his work as yet.
