shit actor

shit opinions


I'd agree, but mel gibson refuses to be the hero I want, and denounce his anti Semitic rhetoric and feelings...

He can be whomever he wants... but if he gon be HATE, I can find better actors!

Like Joshua....

My beef with Josh was: "Get in line!!!!"

As a latin-American, I have experienced it too... only, we don't get the same...consideration that say, other groups get....

Mel's new movie looks like shite too... famke jannsen and the rest of the master race.... lol


mel hasn't said anything anti semitic publicly since the drunken arrest over a decade ago.


This is true... you know, I just wish everyone gave each other the wide berth they expect to receive.

Mel also has NOT been getting ANY good "treatment"... along with the recordings of him berating his wife.. i know... friggin relationships... I just wish he'd not lose his cool when talking about this. Be a professional, cos the jackal reporters are looking for anything.

Actors... they're not the best orators for themselves. On a stage, reading someone else's words, ACES! But shite when explaining themselves, or what they're going through.

Then you add to that how sensationalized every story must be to make the 5 o'clock news. This is nothing new.

Joshua is a decent character actor. He is by no means at the same height in my mind as Mel, Braveheart, Riggs, Max, etc.

No one is being the hero we need. No one is even close. "Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you...?"

Mel, Josh, people in general, need to STOP making POLITICS their RELIGION. It's not. It's admittedly dishonest, and self-serving. This is not what religion, rather, spiritualism should be.

but wtf do i know?!

mel broke my heart with his crap. I thought he was better.



I don't know what his opinions are, though he starred in two shows written by Aaron Sorkin, a proud liberal. Still, I wouldn't want to presume. But I think he's a fine actor, best one on Sports Night if you ask me.
