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Lori Loughlin's new legal strategy is to put the college admissions system on trial, lol

A bloodbath in the making. Lori Loughlin wants to take the University of Southern California (USC) to task amid claims that the college might sue her and husband Mossimo Giannulli. According to documents obtained by Us Weekly, Loughlin and Giannulli’s attorney, BJ Trach, issued a letter to prosecutors about how USC is represented by the same firm as her clients. (USC hired the firm in regards to an issue regarding the Coliseum.) While Trach asserted it would not be a conflict of interest to represent both parties, the letter stated that USC “suggested that Latham’s representation of Ms. Loughlin and Mr. Giannulli poses foreseeable conflicts because it is possible that USC may have civil disputes with one or both sometime in the future.”

Loughlin isn’t taking the potential litigation news lying down. A source confirmed to Us that the Fuller House star aims to uncover the truth behind USC’s admission tactics.

“Lori feels that USC is going to do whatever is necessary to attempt to financially ruin her family. USC accepts extremely substantial donations, which will typically result with a child from that family enrolling,” the insider shared with Us. “Lori wants to expose USC’s admission practices and looks forward to her day in criminal court.”

The source also added that it would be USC’s “prerogative” if they chose to file a civil lawsuit against Loughlin and 56-year-old Mossimo designer. “Lori and Mossimo will defend themselves, and would anticipate a very robust and thorough discovery process of USC’s admissions and large financial donations in which a child became a student at the university,” the insider concluded.




I hate to tell her this, but "they're just as corrupt as we are" rarely works as a defense. She'll get a guilty verdict, and if she manages to expose genuine wrongdoing at USC there may be further actions taken - but it won't really help her. She's definitely going to regret not taking that plea deal!
